Association of Whirlin with Cav1 Association of Whirlin with Cav1.3 (α1D) Channels in Photoreceptors, Defining a Novel Member of the Usher Protein Network Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2010;51(5):2338-2346. doi:10.1167/iovs.09-4650 Figure Legend: RNA in situ hybridization of Cacna1d mRNA in embryonic and adult mouse. Cacna1d was widely expressed during development (E12.5-E16.5), with most intense signals in the following structures (indicated by numbers and arrowheads). (A) Neopallial cortex (1), midbrain (2), lung (3), adrenal gland (4), spinal cord (5), stomach wall (6), tongue (7), and olfactory epithelium (8). Expression was also observed in the kidney, choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle, the lower and upper jaws, olfactory bulb, trigeminal (V) ganglion, duodenum, thalamus, umbilical cord, and venous heart region (data not shown). (B–H) A strong signal for Cacna1d was observed in the eye. Embryonic development of the eye at E12.5 (B) and E14.5 (C), in which expression was observed in the whole neuroblastic layer of the retina. At E16.5 (D), Cacna1d was expressed in the inner neuroblastic layer of the retina, and at E18.5 (E) expression was observed in a subset of the cells and the inner nuclear layer (INL). Expression of Cacna1d was maintained at postnatal days 7 (F) and 90 (G, H). A strong signal, indicative of a high level of expression, was observed in the INL, and a subset of the GCL. Furthermore, expression was seen in the ONL and inner segments (IS; H). (I, J, L–O) From E14.5 on, Cacna1d expression in the developing inner ear was observed and became more pronounced at E16.5 (I, J, L–O). Sections of the developing inner ear at E16.5 with Cacna1d expression in the inner hair cell (L, 1; M, 1), the spiral ganglion cells (M, 2), developing sensory cells of the macula of the utricle (N, 3), and in the crista ampullaris of the semicircular canals (O, 4). To increase structural detail, several sections were counterstained with nuclear Fast red (L–O). (K) Sections hybridized with the sense Cacna1d cRNA probe revealed no staining, indicating the specificity of antisense cRNA probe used in these experiments. Date of download: 10/9/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.