San Gabriel Historic Preservation Ordinance Update City Council Study Session March 1, 2016 The purpose of this study session is for several reasons. In addition to what Steve mentioned, we want to: Recap project goals and City direction and review progress to date Provide an overview of key components of Historic Preservation Ordinances Make recommendations for San Gabriel, tailored to City’s situation and needs; and Affirm the city’s course moving forward
Outline of Tonight’s Presentation Current Ordinance & Historic Preservation in San Gabriel City’s Goals for Ordinance Updates Key Components of Preservation Ordinances Public Outreach & Next Steps Questions & Answers In going over the logistics for the night, we’ll talk about…..
Why Is Preservation Important in San Gabriel? Priority in General Plan Fosters an appreciation and protection of our City’s cultural resources, historic buildings & neighborhoods Encourages preservation of the places that give San Gabriel its unique character and make our City a highly desirable place to live, work & visit When we look at San Gabriel, its important to understand why historic preservation is important in San Gabriel and in this case, there are numerous reasons.. First,
What Is Historic in San Gabriel? Not just buildings and structures Also archaeological and Native American resources Historic districts, neighborhoods, and conservation overlay zones Cultural landscapes, sites, objects, and places of value to the community So, what IS historic in San Gabriel…. That varies for many people throughout the community.. In our City, weve seen that its not buildings and structures, but also includes a variety of places and history… We have…… San Gabriel is definitely unique in many ways and that the primary reason were here tonight to ensure that we have the tools to preserve our communities and resources. AT THIS POINT, I’ll turn it over to Debi and she will discuss our current ordinance…
Current Historic Preservation Ordinance One of the earliest (2nd) Historic Preservation Ordinances in LA County, adopted 1965 Oldest settlement in LA County Birthplace of the Los Angeles region Wealth of history, character, and cultural resources Not just Mission-era history and archaeology Intact pre- and postwar neighborhoods, resources with social significance, and cultural landscapes. San Gabriel has one of the earliest Preservation Ordinances in LA County -- Segue: since its adoption, though, preservation practice has changed. The City and its needs and situation have also changed. Given this, the City decided to update the preservation ordinance.
Zoning Code includes layer of review for designated properties How Does Current Ordinance Protect Cultural Resources? Zoning Code includes layer of review for designated properties By historical society and Design Review Commission Design Review Tool Kit General Plan (2004), Commercial Design Guidelines (2002, rev. 2010), Valley Blvd. Specific Plan (2006, rev. 2013), Mission District Specific Plan (2004) Chapter 153, Zoning Code, Section 153.410-413 Historic Preservation of Buildings and Structures .410 Purpose .411 Identification and Adoption of Designation .412 Limitations on Designated Buildings and Structures .413 Procedures and Fees A few points: - Design Review is more focused on aesthetics than historic integrity and significance. That’s why it’s helpful to strengthen historic preservation tools and process for project review. -Owner’s consent in current ordinance: not required. City is required to notify owners prior to designation. Owners are allowed to object and be heard before City Council per the procedures included in the ordinance.
What Is Missing in Current Ordinance? Clear process & criteria for evaluation and designation Clear procedures, thresholds, and standards (Secretary’s Standards) for review of alterations to significant properties Purpose statement Articulating San Gabriel’s goals and philosophy for ordinance Economic and zoning incentives for preservation Nexus with California Environmental Quality Act and San Gabriel zoning code Clear process and criteria: step-by-step process, consistent and fairly applied for all Project review tied to SOIS Nexus with CEQA and zoning code: Zoning code occasionally at odds with historic preservation; allows for development that might damage integrity of historic resources
City’s Goals for Ordinance Updates General Plan, Land Use Element “Preserve and protect valuable resources” Celebrate City’s Native American heritage and connection “Improve a weak preservation ordinance” Concerns about Mansionization Emergency moratorium on demolition and 2nd-story additions in R-1 zone adopted last October City priorities for updating ordinance are rooted in: 1. Land Use Element of the General Plan - Strong citizen support for preserving cultural resources A few key goals and targets: “Preserve and protect valuable resources” “Celebrate SG’s connection to the culture of the Tongva people” “Improve a weak preservation ordinance” 2. Concerns about mansionization 3. Areas Identified by City for ordinance updates - Recap of RFP: Purpose Statement To reflect the preservation goals included in the General Plan Certificates of Appropriateness Updating review criteria and appeals process Creating tiered review structure, defining criteria for projects appropriate for administrative review (no need for commission review) and those needing commission input and approval Preservation incentives programs (including the Mills Act program) Clarifying relationship of Historic Preservation Ordinance to other codes; and Acknowledging the nexus between the Historic Preservation Ordinance and California Environmental Quality Act. Excerpt, General Plan language: “A Weak Preservation Ordinance: The existing historic preservation ordinance does not provide incentives to protect buildings, and in an effort to avoid undue burdens, does not adequately protect historic structures against demolition or prevent rehabilitation that significantly alters the original appearance of a building. The ordinance would be strengthened if it were to address “pre-history” (archaeological and paleontological resources).”
City’s Goals for Ordinance Updates Rely on Citizen Input throughout the Process Create User-Friendly Ordinance Step-by-step, tiered process and thresholds Clarity = consistency Provide for the protection of Neighborhood Conservation Districts and Cultural Landscapes Define range of cultural resource types and eligibility criteria Establish a Cultural Heritage Commission Ordinance will create review body to implement ordinance Explore Possibility of Certified Local Government Status CLGs qualify for grants ($20K-$40K a year) and technical assistance from State Office of Historic Preservation Goals: Our overarching goal is to tailor ordinance to SG’s needs, follow best practices and Goals of General Plan, and create a framework for preservation in San Gabriel that is effective, user-friendly and defensible. No one ordinance fits every city. User-Friendly Ordinance Step-by-step, tiered process and thresholds for project review; clarity helps ensure consistency Tiered levels for review: Admin review for minor projects; Commission review for major alterations Clarify nexus with CEQA Protection of Neighborhood Conservation Districts and Cultural Landscapes Define eligibility criteria and range of resource types: individual buildings, historic districts, conservation overlay zones, cultural landscapes, signs, structures, objects, sites
Key Elements of a Historic Preservation Ordinance Purpose Statement Enabling Authority Establishment of Preservation Commission Procedures & Criteria for Designating Resources Procedures & Criteria for Actions Subject to Review There are 11 key elements of an effective historic preservation ordinance. Each element has a specific application and purpose in the ordinance overall, in balancing the program, making it legally defensible, and giving it the appropriate level of review. We will review these elements very briefly, and zoom in with more detail on a few key areas, where, based on our review so far, we have a specific recommendations on direction.
Key Elements of a Historic Preservation Ordinance Consideration of Economic Effects Appeals Enforcement and Penalties Emergency Exemptions Cultural Resources Provisions (Archaeological and Native American resources) Definitions and Severability Goals: Our overarching goal is to tailor ordinance to SG’s needs, follow best practices and Goals of General Plan, and create a framework for preservation in San Gabriel that is effective, user-friendly and defensible. There are 11 key elements of an effective historic preservation ordinance. Each element has a specific application and purpose in the ordinance overall, in balancing the program, making it legally defensible, and giving it the appropriate level of review. We will review these elements very briefly, and zoom in with more detail on a few key areas, where, based on our review so far, we have a specific recommendations on direction.
Public Outreach Efforts Public Outreach Meetings March 2016 Spring 2016 Other Efforts Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Los Angeles Conservancy San Gabriel Historical Association City Newsletter Cable Scroll
Next Steps Discuss Ordinance with Planning and Design Review Commission: Early Spring 2016 Draft Ordinance: Spring/ Early Summer 2016 Preview to Planning Commission: Summer 2016 Final Draft to Planning Commission: Summer 2016 City Council Review of Ordinance: Early Fall 2016 Adoption of Ordinance: Early Fall 2016
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