RESEARCH AND EFFECTIVE TREATMENT OF SUPERVISORS ASTHMA, THROUGH MODEL CLUB IN PATIENTS ASTHMA AN DUONG DISTRICT HAI PHONG CITY, 2014 Dr. Nguyen Quang Chinh Hai Phong centre for health education and communication; 2. Prf. Dr. Pham Huy Quyen Haiphong univesity of Medicine and Pharmacy;
Background: Should carry out health education activities, in the control of asthma in adults in the community. 2. Objective: "The study of effective treatment to control asthma models through Club in An Duong district Hai Phong in 2014", - Research management model of treatment and control of asthma in adults, according to the model of health education interventions; through club activities asthma. Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions for knowledge attitudes practice in the treatment of patients.
Method: - Study at two district An Duong, An Lao of Hai Phong city. - Cross-sectional study (survey to detect patients with asthma) - Research community intervention models through clubs controlled asthma
Method: * Intervention for asthmatics - Establishment of clubs in Hong Thai Commune, An Duong district. Patients participating in the club early Sunday morning 1 month / 1 times. Operating in 12 months. 10/2013 - 10/2014. With the participation of specialists from the University Hospital Haiphong Health, Department of Health Hai Phong ... * Subject activities: There are 20 topics of illness by experts in the field of professional performance. education combined direct and indirect health: talking health form, personal advice, modeling, competitions, visits families: causes, manifestations, consequences asthma
Result: *The epidemiology of asthma in the two communes of An Duong, An Lao District, Hai Phong: - The incidence of asthma between Hong Thai Commune, An Duong; Quoc Tuan commune, An Lao and quite common, the incidence of asthma in men was 3.41% and 3.61%; in women is 4.08% and 4.05%. The incidence of asthma is usually 3.80%, with women than men, 4.06% and 3.52%, p >0.05
Result: The level 1 asthma patients accounted for the highest percentage with 43.5%; Level 2: 36.7%, Level 3: 15.8% and the lowest at 4: 4.2%. Asthma control over 4.17%, 29.4% control 1 section, asthma is not controlled 66.6% - Patients with low levels of education, from high school or lower than 80.7%. - The majority of patients were farmers 71.0%; pension 11.6%; Workers 9.4%; - The factors that cause asthma: weather 83.7%, 48.6% strenuous, 41.1% cold ....
Result: - P intervention group significantly reduced the levels of asthma; P increased after the first intervention statistical significance p <0.05. Complete control patients increased from 3.5% to 11.0%; P controlled part of a 67.2% EI; IE patients were in complete control of 205%; change the statistical significance p <0.05. - After intervention of P intervention EI Hong Thai Commune superior with good KAP 24.5%, 22.0% EI; KAP quite 20.5%, 17.5% EI, KAP average 28.5%, 21.0% EI; while communal witness AI, EI lower than the intervention group. P IE to KAP's better Hong Thai Commune, P Quoc Tuan commune; post-intervention difference statistically significant (p <0.001) in all 4 groups practice Good, Fair, Average, no gain.
Overall assessment changes in knowledge, attitude, practice to control asthma Notable Criteria Good Fair Average Not Achieved >11 đ 9-10đ 7-8 điểm <6 đ Hong Thai n =200 n (%) before the intervention n (%) 5 (2,5) 6 (3,0) 17 (7,5) 172 (86,0) after intervention n (%) 49 (24,5) 40 (20,0) 58 (29,0) 53 (26,5) EI% 880 566,6 286,6 69,2 Quoc Tuan n =255 4 (1,6) 11 (4,3) 28 (11,0) 212 (83,1) 9 (3,5) 22 (8,6) 37 (14,5) 187 (73,3) EI % 118,7 100 31,8 11,8 IE 761,3 466,6 254,8 57,4 p <0,001
ACT - ASTHMA COTROL 12 MOUTH . Total average ACT score under 12 months of intervention of 200 patients
Changes in patients ACT intervention y = 19,329 + 0,201*x với r=0,853 và p<0,001 ACT linear regression of the patient, in 12 months of intervention
Result: Total average ACT score of patients tend to rise and increase in the first 3 months after intervention. ACT maintained and increased less from 6th - 10th onwards per month, the average rose 0.201 points, closely correlation r = 0.853 and with p <0.001. Multivariate analysis found no influence of gender, economic conditions, education of patients with common KAP study. There is a relationship between KAP general health education and communication activities, the asthmatic, asthma control level, the difference was statistically significant at p <0.05. Evaluated on many factors, see KAP clearly affect asthma control group to 1 part (OR: 1.863; 95% CI: 1,135- 3.057; p <0.05).
Conclude - For health services: Application of club model of asthma in the community over a period of 6-12 months. - For patients: Go to specialist facilities for appropriate treatment, guidance counseling; prophylactic use ACT to control asthma.