Five Professionals Impacting 7000 Youth The Power of a Fully Operational NSBE JEDI Initiative NSBE Space SIG
Agenda Space SIG Overview Space SIG Outreach Vision – NSBE 2025 and JEDI NSBE Technical Projects Space SIG Projects and Outreach JEDI Program Structure JEDI Program Implementation Program Engagement Opportunities
What is the Space SIG? A NSBE Professionals network focused on space exploration research, advancement and advocacy between the space program and its’ community. With a mission to ensure that the Black community is part of the journey beyond our home world! “Your focus determines your reality.” – Qui Gon Jinn
NSBE 2025 NSBE’s goal: 10,000 Black undergraduate engineering degrees awarded per year, starting by 2025 Where are they now? 9th grade (4-year matriculation) 10th grade (5-year matriculation) 11th grade (6-year matriculation) The college class of 2025 is in high school today! Immediate, focus action required at the high school level Additional action also required at college, middle, and elementary school levels for sustainability “When gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be. The Force runs strong in your family. Pass on what you have learned.” — Yoda
Jumpstart to Engineering Design and Invention (JEDI) JEDI establishes a maintainable mechanism to leverage Space SIG technical activities to inspire Black youth to pursue careers in the space industry through a emphasis of hands-on engineering skills development. JEDI is an outreach project intended to provide different services to youth based on their academic matriculation, ranging from Kindergarten through Undergraduate as well as to university-level institutions. JEDI is an opportunity to align with the NSBE engineering growth goals. “When gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be. The Force runs strong in your family. Pass on what you have learned.” — Yoda
What Are the Space SIG Technical Projects? A volunteer forum of space enthusiast and industry focused technical professionals tackling challenging engineering problems, scientific approaches, and governmental policies impacting the current and future space systems design and flight missions. Volunteers are grouped to (e.g. typically 5 individuals) focus on design, research, and policy development through publications, prototyping, and product development. Space SIG programs serve a platform for the organic emergence of unique space technologies with potentially significant impact on the US aerospace industry!
What Are the Space SIG Technical Projects? Space SIG programs serve a platform for the organic emergence of unique space technologies with potentially significant impact on the US aerospace industry!
Why Space SIG Projects for Outreach? Engagement in spacecraft design process creates a sense of pride and belonging in the industry 2003 shuttle Columbia disaster NASA public affairs pulled all shuttle material from public display Dr. Martin Luther King called, “the first non-stereotypical role portrayed by a black woman in television history." Due to my unexpected position as a role model on television for minorities in space, I was asked by NASA to help in a highly effective campaign to recruit minority and female personnel for the space agency. People I recruited include Sally Ride, the first woman in space, Mae Jemison, the first African American woman in space, and Charles Bolden, the current NASA administrator. Served NASA to Campaign for Minority and female space engagement Encouraged by Dr. King to remain on Star Trek to inspire the masses Launched minority access to equal transportation rights It starts with having a seat at the table and it helps to knowing examples that resemble you to continue the pursuit.
Why Space SIG Projects for Outreach? NBSE Sponsored Technical research ensures NSBE research can be accessed without interruption NASA Constellation program had suite of usable lunar projects from 2003- 2010 but when cancelled in 2010, lunar outreach discontinued 2003 shuttle Columbia disaster NASA public affairs pulled all shuttle material from public display Competition sensitive NASA programs cannot be shared with the public 2003 shuttle Columbia disaster NASA public affairs pulled all shuttle material from public display
Levels of JEDI Leadership JEDI Council Space SIG Education and Outreach Team Primarily educators Coordinates JEDI and ensures effectiveness JEDI Mentor Space SIG Technical Project Team Member Scientists and Engineers Each project team MUST have FIVE Mentors
Levels of JEDI JEDI Padawan Undergraduate student Apprentice to JEDI Mentor Only ONE Padawan per Mentor JEDI Enclave Padawan’s NSBE chapter and faculty investigator Forms a chapter program in support of the Space SIG Project Team – does not replace the project team
Levels of JEDI JEDI Initiate High school student Organized in 5+ student Initiate Cluster JEDI Trainee Middle school student Organized in 5+ student Trainee Circle JEDI Youngling Elementary school student
If We Use the FORCE, Thousands of Lives are Changed
What is the F.O.R.C.E.? FOCUS - Focus on Replicating Career Excellence Career Excellence (Skill Building) Technical Proficiency in spacecraft design, space mission planning, and other space-related processes and technologies Technical proficiency developed with NSBE engineers and scientists from project teams Replicating (Skill Transference) Technical proficiency is then transferred from Mentor to Padawan through guided work assignments FOCUS - Focus on Replicating Career Excellence
What is the F.O.R.C.E.? (Technical Proficiency) Project Teams have a specific technical objectives and execution plans focused on design, research, and policy development through technical paper publications, book publications prototyping, and product development. Benefits Competitive project experiences to promote career progression and mobility Community Engagement and Social Responsibility fulfillment Mental challenge and progressive study at all stages in ones career
What is the F.O.R.C.E.? (Replication – University Level) Project Teams have a specific technical objectives and execution plans Both the project team AND the Padawan (and by extension the Enclave) have (different) technical work assignments Project Teams mentors assign Padawans (mentee) specific subsets of the project team’s work Benefits Competitive work experiences and network for job entry Example: The Embry-Riddle Enclave has been tasked by the Arusha Cockpit team to determine the field of view needed by the Arusha rover and how to integrate that field of view into the nose of the rover
What is the F.O.R.C.E.? (Replication – High School) Each Enclave Inducts three Clusters Clusters execute a subset of the Enclave’s work package Similar to the project team, the Enclave must mentor the Initiates Enclave assigns a member to mentor each Initiate Cluster Enclave takes Initiate Cluster’s work and improves on it as necessary Benefits Competitive technical and project experiences for college applications Increased opportunities for earlier in college career due to experience Increased problem solving and research skills to propel students future in college
What is the F.O.R.C.E.? (Replication – Middle School) Each Initiate Cluster Inducts three Trainee Circles Circles execute a subset of the Cluster’s work package Similar to the project team, the Initiates must mentor the Trainees Initiate Cluster assigns a member to mentor each Trainee Circle Initiate Cluster takes Trainee Circle’s work and improves on it as necessary Benefits Students gain experience to include on their summer program (and eventually college and scholarship) applications
What is the F.O.R.C.E.? (Replication – Elementary School) Trainee Circles conduct Youngling outreach Elementary school students not expected to offer technical contributions Trainee Circles organize and conduct at least three project related outreach events per year to groups of 50 or more elementary age students (Trainee Circle impact goal of 150+ Younglings per year) Outreach must teach a math, science, or engineering principles helping prepare Younglings for middle school and increase space-related careers interest Benefit Early encouragement of STEM being an option for all and not BAD
Using the F.O.R.C.E. Anything times zero = zero The F.O.R.C.E. is a powerful force multiplier But multiplication has a significant weakness: Anything times zero = zero If limited technical proficiency focus though SIG projects, the JEDI impact goes to zero If a mentor loses Focus, the JEDI impact goes to zero If a team is dysfunctional, the JEDI impact goes to zero If there is no team, the JEDI impact goes to zero
JEDI STEM Impact (Mathematical Model) Each technical project team includes 5+ JEDI Mentors Each Mentor has one Padawan 5 x 1 = 5 Students Each Padawan (5) engages at least 4 other students from their chapter to form an Enclave 5 + 5 x 4 = 25 students Five Engineers Can Impact 7075 Students for STEM!
JEDI STEM Impact (Mathematical Model) Each Enclave (5) forms 3 Initiate Clusters 25 + (5 x 3) x 5 = 100 students Each Initiate Cluster (15) forms 3 Trainee Circles 100 + (5 x 3) x 3 x 5 = 325 students Each Trainee Circle (45) conducts 3 outreach events to an audience of 50+ Younglings 325 + (5 x 3 x 3) x 3 x 50 = 7075 students Five Engineers Can Impact 7075 Students for STEM!
JEDI STEM Impact (The Network) JEDI helps focuses our attention on a select handful of students and nurture them into careers in the space program Our Mentors can give their Padawans inside information to apply for internships and jobs with all of the space agencies and companies represented in our membership Our Mentors can give advice in academic, career, professional, or other domains JEDI promotes casting a wide net and give our community access points into the space program Younglings can contact Trainees, who contact Initiates, who contact Enclaves, who contact us.
JEDI STEM Impact Dependencies The number and skill mix of ACTIVE Space SIG members is insufficient to make a substantial impact (inactive teams, 20-40% staffed teams) Common misconception that the Space SIG only needs rocket scientists Actual needs are diverse Event planners Fundraisers and marketers Recruiters Educators Engineers and Scientists (all disciplines with emphasis on design and CAD) We Need Your Help Are you ready to shape the careers of 7000+ future engineers?
Sampling of Key Needs Aerospace Engineers Avionics Engineers – Communications Avionics Engineers – GNC Biomedical Engineers – Medical Devices Curriculum Developers Educators Electrical Engineers – Radar / Wireless RF Transmission Event Planners Fundraisers Graphics Artists Human Factors Engineers Industrial Engineers – Operations Research / Simulation & Modeling Life Support Engineers Lighting Engineers Logistics Engineers Machinists Mechanical Engineers - Mechanisms Mentoring Trainers Microelectronics Engineers Nuclear Engineers – Fission Reactors & Shielding Photographers Planetary Scientists Project Managers Publicists / Promoters Risk Managers Robotics Engineers – Large Mobility Systems Robotics Engineers – Small Manipulators Social Media Experts Software Engineers – Display and User Interface Design Space Architects Space Policy SMEs Space Scientists Spaceport Operators Systems Engineers Thermal Engineers Videographers Youth Workers VOLUNTEER YOUR TALENT AND HELP CHANGE THE WORLD!
Critical Alliances Needed Aerospace BCA Members Employee Resource Groups / Affinity Groups NSBE Professionals Chapters NSBE Collegiate Chapters NSBE Jr. Chapters 7000+ future STEM Professionals SUPPORT TODAY HELPS SECURE AND INCREASE TOMORROW’s TALENT POOL!
Aerospace BCA Members Companies have self-identified as committed to the NSBE mission The “positive impact to the community” the Space SIG has…or does not have…in space will directly affect the US aerospace industry Take a proactive interest in the impact of the Space SIG Employee volunteering as Space SIG members Employee participation at Space SIG conferences (papers, awards, training, attendance) Executive and SME feedback to Space SIG projects Company exhibiting at Space SIG conferences Non-interference usage of company labs, machine shops, facilities
Employee Resource Groups / Affinity Groups ERG/AG acceptance ranges within companies from full support to none Program offers ERG/AGs direct relevance to company community, technical development, and program management training goals ERG/AGs can adopt Space SIG endeavors Provides activity outlets for both technical and non-technical ERG/AG members Can select projects with direct alignment with company lines of business Can expose employees to new ways of thinking May introduce new opportunities for company collaboration or expanded business ventures
NSBE Professionals Chapters Helps decrease chapters’ struggles to identify technical content Engagement reverses underutilization technical or non-technical strengths for personal career advancement Assisting the Space SIG with a specific project, conference, or outreach gives the chapter a “claim to fame” with substantial media potential Chapters provide a local presence and mechanism to institutionalize space technology locally, especially within the Black community Adopting a technical project imparts a unique flavor to citywide CI and PCI outreach
NSBE College Chapters On some campuses are viewed as secondary to the “real engineering clubs” – e.g. ASME, AIAA, IEEE, HFES, etc. Becoming a JEDI Enclave gives the chapter an ongoing technical program (Example: Embry Riddle University) Enclave participation increases likelihood of members graduating and entering STEM careers
NSBE Jr. Chapters Chapter becoming a JEDI Initiate Cluster or Trainee Circle brings focus to a NSBE Jr. chapter and helps provide a purpose for members to recruit younger students, sustaining the chapter JEDI structure gives chapter connectivity to collegiate and professional levels of NSBE not experienced otherwise JEDI outreach further embeds NSBE Jr. chapter in the local community and creates opportunities to engage with civic leaders NSBE Jr. chapters involved in JEDI can also provide leadership to other JEDI youth organizations in the city
Questions/Discussion How does the JEDI Model help our community? Are you ready to use the FORCE?