Causes of The Great War (WWI)
Long Term Causes: France - 1870-1871-> France loses to Germany in the Franco- Prussian (Germany) war -Germany gains land from France because of the war -France wants revenge on Germany - However, France’s army is not big enough—Need an alliance! Alliance-defense agreement among nations -1907-> Triple entente between France, Russia, and Britain is formed Entente- understanding between nations (shaking hands on it)
Long Term Causes: Britain 1839-> Britain makes a treaty with Belgium -Treaty-a formal agreement between countries (a contract) - Germany starts to occupy colonies in Africa and in the Pacific - This is a problem because Britain has colonies in Africa and the Pacific!!! - 1906-1914-> Naval arms race between Britain and Germany
Long Term Causes: Germany -1871-> Germany became unified and took some land from France Germany refused to give it back -1906-1914-> Naval arms race with Britain -Germany is worried about France and Russia attacking them -Schleiffen Plan-> travel through Belgium, attack and defeat France quickly, then go to Russia to fight
Long Term Causes: Austria-Hungary -1885-> Austria Hungary occupies Bosnia - Austria Hungary wants to occupy Serbia -However, Russia is closely tied to Serbia -So, Austria Hungary gets an alliance with Germany so that they (Austria Hungary) can gain control of Serbia.
Long Term Causes: Russia and Serbia - 1905-> Russia wants to gain more influence in the Balkans (specifically Serbia) -Russia is dedicated to protecting Serbia (Russia and Serbia=Best friends) -Serbia wants a part of Austria Hungary (Specifically Bosnia)
Short Term Causes - Serbia wants to take Bosnia from Austria Hungary - June 28th, 1914-> an 18 year old Serbian assassinates the Arch Duke of Austria Hungary (Arch Duke Ferdinand) - July 28th, 1914-> Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia - The domino effect begins….
Overall Causes - Imperialism- Growing your nation by gaining more colonies -Nationalism- Intense loyalty or pride for your country -Militarism- Building up your countries army and navy to rival those of other nations created the need for alliances Armies were built up Nations looked for new types of technology to create superior armies