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Awareness Slope= rise/run (height/length) M= slope
What is the slope of our football field? Can Anyone guess? How would you find it? Can you use a transit and rod? Can you read a tape measure?
Then you can find the slope! Its Easy! This can actually tell you how tall the field is from the sideline at any given point. How is it done?
Procedures First you must set up your transit on the field. It doesn’t matter which yard line you use. (Who knows they may all be different.)
Measuring the field First we must measure the field across. A standard field is 162 ft. Since we are reading the elevation we only have to read ½ of the field. Next you must mark off 9 ft. increments starting at 0 to 81 ft.
Measurements 81 ft. should be the center of the field or very close to it. Measurements can be taken with a rolatape measuring wheel or a regular tape line.
Measuring Elevation Read elevation levels assuming that the sideline is zero. Take data readings at 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, and 81 ft.
Data Record data to your tables. Next transfer the data to graph paper knowing that the height is the rise and that the distance across the field is the run.
Football field curve example For example- the first row will be the distance in ft., and the second will be the elevation in inches, you can even make a third and change the elevation to feet.
Example Graph
Plotting your own field Now you should be able to plot your own field and determine the slope. Any other thing can be measured using this method
Good Luck