Expanding induction and using the VLE to enhance induction to First Year Life Science Dr Chris Finlay & Dr Maureen Griffiths School of Life Sciences
This work was undertaken as part of the What Works This work was undertaken as part of the What Works? Retention and Success change programme, funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, co-ordinated by the Higher Education Academy and Action on Access. Activity at UofG was co-ordinated through pre-existing structures: Retention Working Group (established 2006), reporting to the Learning & Teaching Committee. Disciplines had ownership of their own activities with support provided by the project manager – discipline leads volunteered for the core team. Student participation was included through SRC student representation on the working group but also students on the discipline teams to inform activities in the Schools. Institutional buy in was key and allowed for a central point of contact and project coordination. AB
Why Induction? ‘…there isn’t really any kind of expected level …and then obviously you get hit with stuff quite quickly so you don’t know where to pitch it, you don’t know where you are supposed to be.’ With large class sizes (650-750) and a relatively small staff management team, the VLE has become central to fostering student engagement and communication for supporting student induction and transitions, alongside face-to-face sessions CF
Post-results relationship building Extended induction First term Support prior to entry Decision making Post-results relationship building Extended induction First term First semester First year CF Initial induction Induction Week Freshers Week Welcome Week Cook, T. & Rushton B. (2008). How to Recruit and Retain Higher Education Students: A Handbook of Good Practice, Routledge
Extending Induction Support Prior to Entry Initial Induction Extended Induction Contact pre-enrolment Orientation talks Q&A sessions Facebook group Redesigned Induction lectures Life Sciences Moodle Hub Course Information Documents available in advance Induction activities (labs, tutorials) Support Sessions: Effective Learning Advisors Careers Skills training Tailored orientation days: Local students Mature students Freshers Week Peer support networks encouraged and supported Welcome packs
VLE Development Development of the VLE to make core information accessible to all students within the School, irrespective of year CF
VLE Development CF
VLE Development Student tasks and activities through the VLE to promote active learning and a sense of belonging CF
Outcomes Redesigned induction sessions had an increased attendance (80-96%) compared to comparable attendance at other activities (60-70%). Providing the CID in advance proved popular with Life Science students. Non-life science students did not receive it so this is something that needs to be addressed. The Taster Quiz received positive feedback and over 28,000 views. 72% of the class voluntarily completed this in week 1 (average score = 10/20). 52% completed it again at the end of the semester (average score 18/20). CF
Outcomes Self Assessment Exercises were very popular with students. When opened as revision quizzes prior to the exam they received up to 49,000 views. Additional Evidence: What Works? Engagement and belonging survey Student self confidence has increased from the start of this project Students feel more at home at the University Students are more willing to seek out academic staff to discuss their course Students are more confident that they will successfully complete their course. CF Yorke, M. (2014). The development and initial use of a survey of student ‘belongingness’, engagement and self-confidence in UK higher education, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. Available online.