Who’s Who The Spanish Civil War
General Franco Leader of the Nationalist side which consisted of the Army, Church, Landowners and right wing political groups e.g Falange.
Leon Blum French Premier Leader of Popular Front government similar to that in Spain. Wanted to help Republicans but political instability and lack of money prevented this. Suggested non-intervention to try and prevent nationalists getting aid.
Mussolini Italian fascist dictator Initially agreed to non- intervention, but later gave aid to the Nationalists. Had interests in Mediterranean and wanted to prevent a possible communist takeover in Spain.
Stalin Leader of the Soviet Union Stalin used the Civil War to further his own foreign policy aims. He was keen to prevent a victory for Franco and the Nationalists. Sent Russian generals to organise and train the international brigades
Stanley Baldwin British Prime Minister. Non-intervention was the ideal policy for Baldwin’s government. As a conservative government, they couldn’t be seen to be supporting a popular front government, but also couldn’t be seen to be supporting a nationalist side. In addition to this Britain was not militarily or financially capable of getting involved.
George Orwell One of the most famous International Brigaders – wrote – ‘Homage to Catalonia’
Winston Churchill “Voice in the wilderness” in 1930’s Continued to warn against appeasement of aggressors.
Anthony Eden Foreign Secretary during SCW. As the war progressed he accepted that the non-intervention policy wasn’t working but also agreed that it was the only option available to Britain at this time.