Agenda Phys 121 Common Exam 1 Review Exam overview & mechanics Sample Exam # 1 or # 3 (Janow) Sample Exam # 2 or # 4 (TBD) Other Sample Exams and Problem Sets Open Agenda if time
Exam Mechanics and Scope The exam covers Lectures 1 – 4, comprising material in Chapter 21, 22, and some selected material from the introductory lecture (see the course syllabus). There are 16 multiple choice questions. 100% on the exam means 16 questions answered correctly. Extra credit questions are no longer offered. Students are expected to show work on the question paper in order to get credit for answering questions correctly. There is otherwise no penalty for wrong answers. Circle your chosen answers on the test paper as well as on the Scantron sheet. Use the back of the test paper if you need more room to do scratch work. For long questions, tell the grader to look there. Bring calculator & #2 soft pencils for marking the SCANTRON forms. A formula sheet will be provided. It is at the end of the exam package and is identical to the one posted on Janow’s web site. Turn off cell phones, pagers, laptop computers, any other communication devices or noise makers. A suggestion: first work the problems you know how to do, then come back and finish the ones that are doubtful. Be sure to comply with the Honor Code Pledge.
Physics 121 - Electricity and Magnetism Lecture 01 - Vectors and Fields Review of Vectors : Right Handed Coordinates Spherical and Cartesian Coordinates in 3D. Scalar multiplication, Dot product, Vector product Example: find the surface area of a Sphere Field concepts: Scalar and vector fields in math & physics How to visualize fields: contours & field lines “Action at a distance” fields – gravitation and electro-magnetics. Force, acceleration fields, potential energy, gravitational potential Flux and Gauss’s Law for gravitational field: a surface integral of gravitational field More math: Calculating fields using superposition and basic integrals Path integral/line integral Example: field due to an infinite sheet of mass
Electricity and Magnetism Lecture 2 - Electric Charge Physics 121 - SJ Chapter 23, Sec. 1 - 3 History Electromagnetism Electric Charge Quantization of Charge Structure of Matter Conservation of Charge Conductors and Insulators Coulomb’s Law – Force Shell Theorem Examples Summary
Summary: Chapter 21: Electric Charge Lecture 2 Charge: Matter: Coulombs Law: Vector Form: Superposition Shell Theorem
Electricity and Magnetism Lecture 3 - Electric Field Physics 121 - Chapter 23 Sec. 4 – 7 (See also 26.6) Recap & Definition of Electric Field Electric Field Lines Charges in External Electric Fields Field due to a Point Charge Field Lines for Superpositions of Charges Field of an Electric Dipole Electric Dipole in an External Field: Torque and Potential Energy Method for Finding Field due to Charge Distributions Infinite Line of Charge Arc of Charge Ring of Charge Disc of Charge and Infinite Sheet Crossed Electric Fields: CRT example Summary
Summary: Electric Field Lecture 3
Physics 121 - Electricity and Magnetism Lecture 04 - Gauss’ Law Y&F Chapter 22 Sec. 1 – 5 Flux Definition (gravitational example) Gaussian Surfaces Flux Examples Flux of an Electric Field Gauss’ Law Gauss’ Law Near a Dipole A Charged, Isolated Conductor Spherical Symmetry: Conducting Shell with Charge Inside Cylindrical Symmetry: Infinite Line of Charge Field near an infinite Non-Conducting Sheet of Charge Field near an infinite Conducting Sheet of Charge Conducting and Non-conducting Plate Examples Proof of Shell Theorem using Gauss Law Examples Summary
Summary: Gauss’s Law Lecture 4