Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages Brought to you by Tutorial Services – The Math Center
DEFINITIONS FRACTIONS Fractions are representations of parts of a whole. They are composed of a numerator and of a denominator. DECIMALS A decimal is a number that includes a decimal point and digits to the right of the decimal point. PERCENTAGES Percent is defined as parts per hundred.
CONVERSIONS Decimal to Percent Move the decimal point twice to the right in the original decimal. Ex. Convert 0.98 to a percent Ex. Convert 2.951 to a percent . 98 % 2 951 . %
Percent to decimal Remove the percent symbol and move the decimal point twice to the left. Ex. Convert 46% to a decimal Ex. Convert 0.182% to a decimal 46 . % 0 182 . %
Fraction to decimal Divide the numerator by the denominator. Ex. Convert 3/8 to a decimal Ex. Convert 112/320 to a decimal .375 8 3.000 .35 320 112.00
Decimal to fraction Place the decimal portion of the decimal number in the numerator and the digit’s place value in the denominator. Ex. Convert 0.142 to a fraction Note: Since 142 is in the thousandths place, we use 1000 as the denominator. Ex. Convert 5.48 to a fraction 142 71 .142 = = 1000 500 48 12 5.48 = 5 = 5 100 25
Fraction to Percent Multiply the fraction by 100% to convert it to a percent. Ex. Convert 5/9 to a percentage Ex. Convert 2/3 to a percentage 5 500% x 100% = = 55.5% 9 9 2 200% x 100% = = 66.6% 3 3
Percent to Fraction Remove the percent symbol and divide the percentage value by 100. Ex. Convert 55% to a fraction Ex. Convert 135% to a fraction 55 11 = 55% = 100 20 135 27 7 = = = 1 135% 20 100 20
To conclude Remember that fractions, decimals, and percentages are all related as shown by the table in the handout.
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Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages Links Fractions Handout Common Denominator Handout Fractions Quiz Fractions, Decimals, & Percentages Quiz Percentages Handout