Overview on current situation and priorities in military sites of Latvia Daina Galaktionova, Head of Environment Division, Real estates management department 22-23 March 2017, Riga, Latvia
Agenda Legal framework, responsibilities, functions Main projects in 2016-2017 Way ahead
Framework of Regulations I Environmental Policy of Ministry of Defence and National Armed Forces of the Republic of Latvia (01.12.2005. order No.375) Environmental protection guidelines of Ministry of Defence for 2017-2021 (06.09.2016. order No.152): continues work to achieve long-term goal of Environmental Policy – to ensure sustainability of military territories and its compliance with EP requirements, determines responsibilities, increases awareness regarding environmental protection in the National Armed Forces, promotes sustainable use of resources
Framework of Regulations II EP regulations issued by MoD: No 41-NOT Environmental and nature protection requirements in Ādaži Military Training Area (26.08.2011.) No 31-NOT Handling of hazardous chemical Substances (16.10.2012.) No 27-NOT Procedure of organising environmental protection activities (24.08.2012.) No 14-NOT Environmental and nature protection requirements during military exercises and training (20.05.2015.)
Programs for reduction of consumption: energy resources 2012-2020 (approved on 09.05.2012.) water resources 2012-2020 (approved on 09.05.2012.)
Program for reduction of consumption of energy resources Program aim – to ensure efficient use of energy and promote the rational use of energy resources General activities: - Energo audits (2013 -11, 2014 – 7, 2015 – 9) - Windows, roofs replacement - New heating systems (replace coal heating systems, with natural gas, wood) - Buildings’ renovation - Collecting and analyzing data for energy consumption - Annual report for energy consumption - Education: information signs placement in buildings and places where human activities can give energy savings
Program for reduction of consumption of water resources Program aim – to save and use rationally water resources in MoD’s sites, to prevent loss of water, to ensure sustainable use of the facilities General activities: Collecting and analyzing data for water consumption Annual report for water consumption Water supply systems reconstruction Wastewater systems reconstruction Water recirculation systems for car wash Education - information signs placement in buildings and places where human activities can give water savings
State defence system interactions MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Policy shaping Planning Control Financing STATE CENTRE FOR DEFENCE MILITARY OBJECTS AND PROCUREMENT NATIONAL ARMED FORCES (NAF) Military structure, executor of defence capabilities Civil structure for organisation and management of assigned services (construction, management of real estate, procurement, environmental protection etc.)
EP in every level MoD – Undersecretary for Logistics, Head of EMS Steering group NAF HQ – environmental officer (EP/CBRN) NAF Units – appointed environmental officers MTA Ādaži (NAF LC 3RSC) – environmental officer SCDMOP – experts in Environmental Division
Real Estate Management Department Environment Division Prospecting of territories (including petrol stations), evaluation, collection of data, maintenance of data base, recommendations Drafting of technical specifications, supervision of environmental projects (Nature management Forest management Environmental education Financial planning for future projects
Military Sites in Latvia (defence system uses 132 military sites with ~ 13000 ha land territories and ~ 1100 buildings (~ 666 131 m²)) Military sites
Environmental projects in Airbase «Lielvārde» Excavation of black fuel oil (mazut) container in 2016 Preparatory works for remediation of polluted ground Preparatory works for tree cutting Annual monitoring of groundwater
Excavation of black fuel oil container in 2016 Pumping out of liquid hazardous waste (black fuel oil/mazut and polluted water) 72.7 m3 Excavation of black fuel oil container and pipelines Excavation of the polluted soil 145.5 m3
Historically polluted soil and groundwater with oil products Map of the area of floating oil products August 2007 MAP OF THE AREA OF FLOATING OIL PRODUCTS November 2013
Estimated amount of oil products in the soil and groundwater Evaluation (environmental, economical, technical aspects of methods) and choosing of the methods and technical specifications for further remediation: Area - ~ 1.3 ha Average depth – 2.9 m Layer of the polluted soil - ~ 2.3 m ~ 29900 m3 of polluted soil
Approval of the remediation project by the MoD Infrastucture Board: combination of 3 methods (hydrodynamic pumping out; chemical oxidation; excavation) estimated length ~ 4 years estimated costs ~ 5-6 million Euros
Increasing energy efficiency by Climate Change Financial Instrument (CCFI) CCFI is a Government budget program of Republic of Latvia - Aim: prevent global climate change, adaptation to the effects of climate change and contribute the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
CCFI project - Fossil heat production replacement of equipment for heat production from renewable energy sources in National Armed Forces buildings (2012) 1) National Guard 34. Artillery Battalion, Daugavpils, Lidotāju Street 3 Reduction of CO2 emissions 885,07 t per year 2) National Guard 56. Batallion, Jēkabpils, Pils rajons 38 3) National guard 46.Batallion, «Vanagi», Ventspils district - Reduction of CO2 emissions 103,88 t per year
CCFI project – Energy efficiency improvement for National Defence Academy dormitories building (2013) National Defence Academy, Riga, Ezermalas Street 6 - Reduction of CO2 emissions 146,46 t per year
14-15 February 2017, Stockolm, Sweden
Solar collector system National Defence Academy 14-15 February 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
CCFI project (2014) in «Meža Strautiņi», Alūksne municipality Fossil heat production replacement of equipment for heat production from renewable energy and solar collector system
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project Sea Officers' Meeting House facade renovation (2017)
Natura 2000 areas Adazi and Dzelve-Krona 12 283 ha Adazi military training area 13 300 ha
Cutting of trees and bushes (deforestation of 75 ha of forest) (Adazi MTA forest, heathland) to ensure implementation of European Reassurance Initiative
Way ahead Enlargement of MTAs Elaboration of regulations/agreement with «Latvia’s State Forests» Remediation of polluted soil in Air base «Lielvarde» Approval of revised regulations No 41-NOT Environmental and nature protection requirements in Ādaži Military Training Area (26.08.2011.) Implementation of LIFE project
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