AARP Foundation Tax-Aide CA2 SMT-DC Information Exchange September 20, 2016
Please hold questions and comments until the round robin Put you phone on mute
Planned Flow SMT Members AARP Tax Aide Goals 2016 and 2017 From Presentation in Communications OSHC Goals 2016 and 2017 2016 achievements 2017 Developed Goals (document CA2)
Planned Flow Cont Why Tax Slayer? Portal Tax Software Change Assessment (CA2 document) Portal IRS Presentation-key highlights Donated Funds Other Documents Other Regional Decisions
Planned Flow Cont Leader Development Recruiting Material Round Robin Questions Comments
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Purpose: Tax preparation help for anyone, particularly those 50 and older who cannot afford paid tax services. Outcome: Peace of mind at tax time, especially for low- and moderate-income, older taxpayers.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Entering its 49th year Nation’s largest, free volunteer tax program, in conjunction with IRS 4th largest tax prep program, paid or free 2.7 million people served in 2016 Over $300 million saved to taxpayers in tax prep fees
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide 50 Million+ Taxpayers helped since the program launched in 1968. 34,000+ Trained volunteers helping taxpayers in their communities each year. 5,000+ Sites nationwide conveniently located in neighborhood libraries, malls, banks, community centers, and senior centers.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide CA2 45653 Taxpayers helped in 2016 765 Trained volunteers helping taxpayers 103 Sites
97% very satisfied with Tax-Aide 2016 AARP Taxpayer Satisfaction Survey
Apply to be a Tax-Aide Volunteer 1-888-AARP-NOW (1-888-227-7669)
Material on CA2
2016 Tax-Aide Critical Areas of Focus Quality – 95% Accuracy as determine by IRS Return Review-95.36% 100% Policies & Procedures instruction at Counselor Training (program site reviews)-98.5% 100% explanation about their return and accuracy responsibility to the taxpayer (program site reviews)-96.45%% Security – •TWO usage to 100% (CCH software ordering)-100% Growth - •Total People Served - 0% growth (Fed returns plus Q&A, MFJ & state returns only)-2% •Federal Returns Prepared – 2%TBD by grants (IRS counts via CCH and self reported paper)-3% Multicultural/Diversity (MME) Outreach - •Multicultural (MME) Taxpayers to 22% (Customer Satisfaction Survey)-16% •Multicultural (MME) Volunteers to 12% (Direct measure VMIS and Vol Satisfaction Survey)-TBD •Diversity Bundles – 40 new bundle sites (Encourage one new or expanded bundle per state)-48 New Volunteer Portal – 100% adoption of the new volunteer portal system for DC level & above (active system login)-98% Tax-Aide Strategy Setting
PROGRAM GOALS DEVELOPMENT Goal: Develop program goals and objectives for the 2017 tax season. Proposal: Three goal areas were proposed to the NLT as the result of a survey taken prior to the NLT to determine top areas to focus on for the 2017 tax season. 1) recruiting more volunteers 2) developing volunteer leaders and 3) maintaining quality.
WHY TAX SLAYER This was an IRS bid process, and IRS decision. We use what they provide. They put the VITA/TCE tax software contract about every 3 years. Tax Slayer won a 1 year contract with a 2 year option. IRS has not chosen to release their bid selection criteria, so we do not know why TaxSlayer won, nor will we probably ever know.
Portal We are going into second year of a five year project Have had major releases Dec-Mar-Jun-Aug Refined functionality Corrected Errors Added Functionality 22 Minor releases fixing bugs
Portal Continued Refined Support Regional Operations Support-10,000 tickets ADS Webinars late last year twice monthly Beginning to put guardrails in place Suvarna will be covering more thoroughly in a separate Webinar
TIPS Portal Refresh often Candidates coming from other than Tax Aide within AARP web will not be familiar with program They will train PVS on how this works Work with Suvarna and Ashoc- Be patient Let us know if you need on-site training
IRS Presentation Slides will be posted ACTC and EITC all refunds holding to February 15 21 day standard processing this year ITIN-renewals Middle 78 and 79 Not filed last 3 years Will not reject but will hold until get renewal
IRS Presentation April 18 last day to file Letters-just answer don’t automatically file an amended return Stressed Quality goal We will only do three years-tell taxpayer cannot do other years
Donated Funds Document is self-explanatory RC has assured will still be able to expend funds collected in split state in split state Have expanded allowed uses to include Volunteer recruitment costs Program promotion Volunteer recognition
Continuing Education Credit Process for TY2016 Fact sheet on CA2 Read Ahead Be sure Link and Learn test-there will no longer be any exceptions Must be on time Form must be filled out fully May not be the normal SPEC we deal with 14 w/o HSA 18 w HSA
Other Documents Site Review Form Supplemental Intake Sheet Edison working with TCs Tax Aide Computer Personal Usage Tax Aide Use of Public WiFi Networks
Regional Decisions No more 8453s If taxpayer finds missed income-less than $200-wait for letter No changes will take place mid-season If use Desktop will be subject to shutting down the site Make sure communications flow down
Leader Development Slides will be posted sometime this week and will let you know when Have included the Goals for this year in the CA2 Read Ahead for this meeting Part of Program Goals Development Sheet Put together a plan for what we thought LC Training should include Will be posted in the near future
Recruiting Material Presentation, Ad Slicks, Broadcast etc in Communications on OSHC Major Ads in AARP Publications Will be calling AARP State this week to ask assistance in getting e-mail campaign started Encourage all to put in for Diversity Sites-let me know if you need assistance