Overview on Shakespeare April 23, 1564 Traditional birth date—born at Stratford on Avon Father: John Shakespeare Mother: Mary Arden 1582 Marries Anne Hathaway 1583 Daughter Susannah born 1585 Twins Judith and Hamnet born 1585-1592 “Lost Years” in Shakespeare’s life, for which there are no records 1592 First recorded reference to Shakespeare in London as an actor with Lord Chamberlain’s Men Acting Company 1592-1594 Bubonic Plague hits London; theatres close down, and Shakespeare returns to Stratford to write poetry 1601 Shakespeare’s father dies; William becomes head of the family and inherits the family coat of arms
Overview on Shakespeare 1603 Queen Elizabeth dies; James I of Scotland, her cousin, is crowned. This begins the Jacobean Age. 1608 Shakespeare’s mother dies. 1609 Shakespeare’s 154 sonnets are published, dedicated to the “dark lady.” 1611 Shakespeare returns to Stratford for good, after 22 years of living in London and pursuing his acting career. March 1616 Shakespeare’s will is written
Overview on Shakespeare April 23, 1616 Shakespeare dies and is buried at Holy Trinity Church in Stratford. Shakespeare’s stone bears the following inscription, which he had written for his tomb: Good friends, for Jesus’ sake, forebear To dig the dust enclosed here. Blest be the man that spares these stones, And curst be he that moves my bones. 1623 FIRST FOLIO printed—a book of all his plays printed together—compiled by his acting friends John Heminge and Henry Condell. The eulogy in the FIRST FOLIO was written by Ben Johnson: “He was not of an age, but for all time.”