Advanced World Literature Summer Reading Essay Advanced World Literature
Thesis Statement Your thesis must… Include your book title. Include your book’s author. Include your main point. Include your two supports that back up your main point. Be written in one sentence. Thesis Statement
Thesis Statement Prompt 1: Prejudice Prompt 2: Tradition In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, both Romeo and Juliet are both victims and perpetrators of their families’ prejudice. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare proves that tension exists between traditional and modern ideas through Romeo and Juliet’s forbidden relationship with each other and their ending their family feud.
Topic Sentence Your topic sentences must… Introduce which point in your thesis you will be discussing. Be written in one sentence. Topic Sentence
Topic Sentence Prompt 1: Prejudice Thesis Statement In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, both Romeo and Juliet are both victims and perpetrators of their families’ prejudice. Topic Sentence Romeo is hated by the Capulet family, but as a Montague, he reciprocate their animosity.
Points and Support You must… Have two points and two supports (word-for-word textual evidence). Give the reader context and background before providing your quote. Explain what is going on in the story when the quote is spoken. Introduce your quotes with introductory phrases. Ex. The narrator explains,…; Joe said to Steve,… Cite your quotes with page numbers. Points and Support
Points and Support Prompt 1: Prejudice Thesis Statement Topic Sentence In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, both Romeo and Juliet are both victims and perpetrators of their families’ prejudice. Topic Sentence Romeo is hated by the Capulet family, but as a Montague, he reciprocate their animosity. Point Support Analysis Romeo’s love for Juliet is tainted by the Capulet’s hatred toward his family. “From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life” (Prologue.5-6). Romeo returns this blind prejudice by hating the Capulets in return. “My very friend, hath got his mortal hurt / In my behalf; my reputation stain’d / With Tybalt’s slander – Tybalt, that an hour / Hath been my kinsman” (III.i.105-108).
Analysis Your analysis must… Tie your quotes back to your topic sentence. Explain how your quote relates to the prompt. Analysis
Analysis Prompt 1: Prejudice Thesis Statement Topic Sentence Point In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet are both victims and perpetrators of their families’ prejudice. Analysis Topic Sentence Romeo is hated by the Capulet family, but as a Montague, he reciprocates their animosity. Point Support Analysis Romeo’s love for Juliet is tainted by the Capulets’ hatred toward his family The play opens with a sonnet: “…From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life…” (Prologue.5-6). Shakespeare introduces the fact that these two families hate each other and because of that Romeo is unable to live his life to the fullest. Their childish feud ultimately leads to his death. Romeo returns this blind prejudice by hating the Capulets in return. “My very friend, hath got his mortal hurt / In my behalf; my reputation stain’d / With Tybalt’s slander – Tybalt, that an hour / Hath been my kinsman” (III.i.105-108). Even though Romeo is discriminated against, he returns their hatred by killing Tybalt. Romeo even states that they are to be kinsmen if he were to marry Juliet, but he hates him simply because he is a Capulet. Furthermore, this familial prejudice causes Juliet and her family even more pain.
Conclusion Sentence Your conclusion sentence must… Summarize your entire paragraph. Conclusion Sentence
Conclusion Sentence Prompt 1: Prejudice Thesis Statement In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet are both victims and perpetrators of their families’ prejudice. Conclusion Sentence Topic Sentence Romeo is hated by the Capulet family, but as a Montague, he reciprocates their animosity. Point Support Analysis Romeo’s love for Juliet is tainted by the Capulets’ hatred toward his family. The play opens with a sonnet: “…From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life…” (Prologue.5-6). Shakespeare introduces the fact that these two families hate each other and because of that Romeo is unable to live his life to the fullest. Their childish feud ultimately leads to his death. Romeo returns this blind prejudice by hating the Capulets in return. “My very friend, hath got his mortal hurt / In my behalf; my reputation stain’d / With Tybalt’s slander – Tybalt, that an hour / Hath been my kinsman” (III.i.105-108). Even though Romeo is discriminated against, he returns their hatred by killing Tybalt. Romeo even states that they are to be kinsmen if he were to marry Juliet, but he hates him simply because he is a Capulet. Furthermore, this familial prejudice causes Juliet and her family even more pain. Conclusion Sentence Therefore, Romeo is greatly affected by prejudice throughout the play.