6 Expressing quantity Quantifiers 1 The following quantifiers can be used before a noun. some/any much/many a few/few both each/every fewer/less several more/most all/no a little/little enough 1
6 Expressing quantity Some quantifiers can only be used with certain types of nouns. With count nouns only (not) many ingredients a few oranges very few children several shoes fewer animals With uncount nouns only (not) much money a little food very little rice less paper With singular count nouns only each day every car With plural count nouns only both brothers 2
With both count and uncount nouns 6 Expressing quantity much less a few With both count and uncount nouns some bananas (not) any pears more/most games all/no plants enough books some energy (not) any traffic more/most tea all/no water enough time Choose the correct quantifier. 1 We don’t have much/many time. 2 He earns fewer/less money than me. 3 I have a few/a little Russian friends. 3
6 Expressing quantity We don’t have any. A few/Not many. Not much/A little. Very little. few less 2 Most of the quantifiers can be used without a noun. No, all, every, and each cannot. Where’s the milk? Can you see any clouds? Have you eaten any lunch? Does he have much experience? Answer the question using an appropriate quantifier. Q How many employees do you have? A Very _____. Q Do you have more homework than before? A No, I have _____. 4
6 Expressing quantity 3 Most of the quantifiers can be used with of + the/my/those, etc. + noun. No and every cannot. I’ve seen several of my friends this week. Both of her brothers are at university. I’ll buy a few of these biscuits. We know most of the staff at this hotel. Choose the correct quantifier. 1 I’ve deleted many/every of the apps on my phone. I’ve deleted many of the apps on my phone. 2 We ate not many/most of the pizza. We ate most of the pizza. 5
6 Expressing quantity 4 For no and every, we use none and every one or all. All of the trains were delayed. None of my luggage was missing. When we use none with a plural noun or pronoun, the verb can be singular or plural. What is the difference between these sentences? None of the students is here. Singular verb This is more common in formal, written English. None of the students are here. Plural verb This is more common in informal, spoken English. 6