A noun is a person, place, or thing. Common Noun A noun is a person, place, or thing. Mrs. Leary's coffee bottle is a common noun. It is a thing.
A Proper Noun is most specific and always capitalized. This is Willow's book. It's capitalized because it is a name of a book. A name is always capitalized. This book is a proper noun.
A Possessive Noun is to show ownership. Possessive Nouns A Possessive Noun is to show ownership. This is a picture of Marena's shoes. It shows ownership because it's her own shoes.
A Singular Noun is something alone or by itself. It means only one. This is a picture of a napkin. It is a singular noun because it is only one. Alone and by itself.
Pronoun A Pronoun is a word that takes place of another word. He, she, they, we, and it are all Pronouns. In this picture, you will say "the turtle." But instead, you can say "it." The word "it" is a pronoun and it takes place of the words "the turtle".
A Plural Noun is something that is more than one. These three pencils are plural nouns. They are more than one pencil. Plural Noun A Plural Noun is something that is more than one.