Regents Physics Mr. Rockensies Vertical Motion Regents Physics Mr. Rockensies
Vertical Motion All objects fall toward the Earth when dropped. We refer to this is acceleration due to gravity. When objects are dropped, it appears that larger, heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects. Galileo Galilei, an Italian physicist, astronomer, mathematician, and philosopher, found that objects actually fall at the same rate. He concluded, based on a Thought Experiment, that if air resistance (friction) is removed then all objects will fall at the same rate.
Thought Experiment a1 a2 a Assume a1 < a2 Is a > a2? or a < a2?
Penny vs. Paper Take a coin and a disc of paper of approximately the same diameter. First drop the coin and paper side by side, simultaneously Notice how long it takes the paper to hit the ground after the coin Now try putting the paper disc on top of the coin and dropping them together. What do you notice about when the two objects hit the ground? Try dropping them a couple of different ways and notice how much time it takes for each object to hit the ground.
Free Fall Objects in vacuum Free Fall Video