Introduction to Matlab What is Matlab? Is Matlab like C? Why learn Matlab? What’s the best way to learn Matlab? Google for tutorials
How much will I learn? 3 lectures 2 labs 1 practical That’s not much time, but it’s enough to start to become familiar with basic Matlab concepts.
What I expect you to be able to do… Define vectors and matrices Access parts of vectors/matrices using indexing Solve a system of linear equations Plot simple functions Add titles and text to plots Write simple ‘m’ files. Use Matlab’s help. Complex numbers Move Excel data into Matlab Simple Symbolic Calculations
In the lectures you should… Listen with an ear for the “big” picture. It’s easy to get lost in the details. Try to make the basic ideas stick in your long term memory. Make a mental commitment to using Matlab in other Engineering courses – even if it’s not required.
Some demos help demo You can analyze and process speech Load a wav Spectrogram Special Effects You can analyze and process images
Getting Started Command line Variable listing with sizes History and Navigation Present working directory (pwd) The colon operator for defining vectors The value of the semicolon What’s an m-file? And what about toolboxes?
More intro stuff The ‘lookfor’ command The workspace Saving your work *.m and *.mat files. The Matlab path. Direct entry of vectors and matrices Getting Data from Excel – A simple way. Matrix arithmetic operations. The point-by-point operator
And more… Complex numbers Indexing concepts