Are Solar Panels right for Danescourt Primary School? An Introduction
74% of people, surveyed during a 2014 Industry report believe that solar panels should be installed on more roofs
Businesses & Individuals remain keen to have a green agenda The Headlines Energy Prices are going through the roof – but maybe the roof is the answer! Commercial & Legislative pressures are driving businesses to get green: comply or die Businesses & Individuals remain keen to have a green agenda Government driving of renewable energy in commercial business reaching new intensity Fact: We’re running out of traditional energy resources. Businesses need to start thinking differently
Why are organisations embracing the Solar PV Solution? COMPLIANCE RESPONSIBILITY SAVINGS
How it works There are 3 ways to benefit from a solar PV system through the Feed-In Tariff scheme: Generation Tariff – A set rate will be paid by the energy supplier for each unit (or kWh) of electricity generated. The rate varies, depending on the size of system (currently 11.71p for a typical commercial-sized system 11kW – 50kW), but is guaranteed for 20 years by government legislation and is also RPI index linked. The rate payable is subject to change, but once joined the same tariff will continue for 20 years.
How it works Export Tariff – For every unit of electricity that isn’t used on site, a further 4.77p per kWh is paid for exporting back to the grid. Energy Bill Savings – Significant savings are made on electricity bills due to generating your own electricity. Less electricity will need to be bought from electricity suppliers, but the full amount will vary based on the amount of electricity that is used on site.
For example, a typical system may look like this: A 50kw system will cost around £55,000 on average. This type of system will generate around 48,000kwh per year (using SAP 2012: Area 5E “Bristol”, 0° Azimuth & 35° Pitch). The School would receive 11.71p from the Government Feed-In tariff for every unit generated (£5,620.80 per year, based on 48,000kwh) The School would also make a significant saving on ongoing electricity bills (based on using as much energy produced as possible) If any unused energy is exported back to the grid, a business would receive 4.77p for every unit exported.
Results The School could easily expect an average return of 12-15% per year from this investment Leading to an expected payback of the initial capital in around 7 years. With full profit for a further 13 years (based on the guaranteed Feed-in tariff payments for 20 years)
If the School hasn’t got the capital available, then they could consider the “Rent a Roof” scheme.
How the “Roof Lease” option works We install solar technology on your roof We lease your roof from you for 20 years – free of charge to us You get all the electricity that you use from the solar technology for the full 20 years Up to 30Kw Free of charge Over 30Kw 50% of current electrical cost We benefit from the government subsidies for all energy produced (this is how we make our money) Any electricity that you don’t use gets exported to the National Grid (we get paid for this)
What this means to Danescourt 30Kw
What this means to Danescourt 70Kw
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