Mr. Meester AP European History The Crimean War Mr. Meester AP European History
Liberalism & Nationalism After the revolutions of 1848, it looked as if the causes of liberalism and nationalism had been lost. During the 1850s, conservatives dominated Europe. Certain developments in Europe compelled conservatives to embrace some of the ideas of liberalism and nationalism. Events would compelled some governments to pursue new policies.
Conservative Response Conservative leaders had to find novel means of maintaining the loyalty of their subjects. Some carried out popular reforms themselves Able to take the credit instead of liberal leaders. Others acted as they did not have a choice in the matter if they were to maintain their status. Nationalism, laced with liberal ideas spread rapidly throughout Western Europe during the last half of the 1800s.
Louis Napoleon vs. Nicholas I In order to quiet discontent at home, Louis Napoleon tried to win glory abroad. Napoleon’s biggest foreign problem involved Russia and Nicholas I. Nicholas considered Napoleon an upstart and was slow to recognize him as the real ruler of France. Napoleon’s goal was to gain the support of Britain in his opposition to Russia. His chance to do so came about through the weakening Ottoman Empire.
Weakening of the Ottoman Empire The Ottoman Empire was known as “The Sick Man of Europe.” The government was weak, corrupt, and inefficient. Religious and nationalist groups were unhappy Russia claimed to right to protect all Orthodox Christians living in the Ottoman Empire France was the protector of the Catholics In the 1850s, both France and Russia claimed jurisdiction over certain holy places in Palestine.
Causes of War Napoleon took a firm stand against Russia and gained the support of Britain. Britain feared a strong Russian presence in the eastern Mediterranean. The Ottoman Turks, backed by France and Britain resisted Russian claims in the Palestine dispute.
War Begins In 1853, the three allies went to war with Russia. Full scale fighting did not begin until later in 1854. Most of the fighting happened on the Crimean peninsula Giving the war its name
What a Waste The Crimean War has been called the “most unnecessary war in history.” Fought inefficiently and wastefully Charge of the Light Brigade (Lord Alfred Tennyson) 600 British cavalry cut down by Russian cannon fire The most memorable military action was the 11 month siege of Sevastopol (Russian naval base).
The War Ends After two years of fighting, with huge losses from battle and disease on both sides, Russia was defeated. (Treaty of Paris, 1856) Gave up its claims to protect the Christians in the Ottoman Empire. Forbidden to build up a navy in the Black Sea. The Ottoman Empire was to be “protected” as a member of the European family of nations.
Results France won glory but little else from the Crimean War. None of the peace terms benefited France. Costly in number dead, and financially. Almost the only constructive result of the war was the establishment of modern field hospitals and nursing staffs. Florence Nightingale A Swiss banker named Jean-Henri Dunant, created the Red Cross after witnessing 40,000 casualties in one battle of the Crimean War.