Modernization of Russia Reforms A. Russian Society 1. Poor agrarian society 2. Little industry 3. Serfdom
B. Crimean War (1832-1856) 1. Russia against: a. Great Britain b B. Crimean War (1832-1856) 1. Russia against: a. Great Britain b. France c. Ottoman 2. Russian loss a. Failure to industrialize / behind West b. Weak army c. Alexander II -social change and modernization
C. Reforms 1. Serfdom ended 1861 a. Collective landownership b C. Reforms 1. Serfdom ended 1861 a. Collective landownership b. Taxation of former serfs c. Little advance in farming techniques/ technology 2. 1864 Zemstvos a. Elected assembly / administered local issues b. All classes vote c. Wealthy- vote waited in their favor
3. Alexander II Social Reforms a. Eased restriction on press b 3. Alexander II Social Reforms a. Eased restriction on press b. Modernization of judicial system c. Education d. Army
II. Industrialization & Imperialism A. Infrastructure 1. Govt II. Industrialization & Imperialism A. Infrastructure 1.. Govt. subsidized private rail companies 2. Industrialization 3. Territorial expansion south & east B. Political Reform Ends 1. Assassination of Alexander II 2. Alexander III- replaces former Czar a. Ended social reforms b. Political modernization ended c. Continued to industrialize- encouraged foreign investment
B. Russo-Japanese War 1904 https://www. youtube. com/watch B. Russo-Japanese War 1904 1. Cause a. Korea b. Manchuria c. Both countries considered strategically & economically important
2. Impact War a. Japanese victory encouraged nationalist movement in African & Asia b. USA – Theodore Roosevelt / Treaty Portsmouth c. Often considered 1st modern war d. Leads to internal protest
https://www. youtube. com/watch. v=55GvxYq9yXw C C. Russian Revolution 1905 1. Causes: a. Russian Socialists & Marxist push for equality & reform b. Anarchists- promote lawless society c. Nihilists- destroy all Russian institution & build new society b. Russo- Japanese War- showed corruption & incompetence of Czar
c. Bloody Sunday – January 22, 1905 1. Protest @ St c. Bloody Sunday – January 22, 1905 1. Protest @ St. Petersberg / Czar’s Palace 2. Results limited reform a. Soviets Worker’s Council b. Duma- national legislature
III. Russian Revolution 1917 A. Causes 1 III. Russian Revolution 1917 A. Causes 1. Social & political issues that emerged in 1905 a. Failure of reforms b. Poverty c. WWI d. Poor economy
B. Outcomes 1. Bolshevik Revolution – 1917 a B. Outcomes 1. Bolshevik Revolution – 1917 a. Vladimir Lenin- bloodless coup against govt b. Established 1st Marxists state 2. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 3. Civil War a. Anti-Bolshevik White Army- defeated 1920 b. 1922 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) established