the Crimean War of 1853-1856 bY: Novikova sveta
Causes During the reign of Nicholas I, the Russian state reached enormous power in the economic and political development. Nicholas decided that we need to continue to expand the territorial borders of the Russian Empire.
The main purpose of the emperor was the East, but also his plan was to increase the influence in the Balkans, the reason for that was the residence of Orthodox people there. However, Turkey's weakening was not very good to such countries as France and England. And they decided to declare war on Russia in 1854. And before that, in 1853 Turkey declared war on Russia too.
course of events The most of the fighting was on the Crimean peninsula. But apart from this a bloody war was fought in Kamchatka, and in the Caucasus, and even on the coasts of the Baltic and Barents Seas. At the very beginning of the war English and French paratroopers carried out the siege of Sevastopol.
During this siege famous generals died- Kornilov, Istomin, Nakhimov.
The siege lasted a year, after that Sevastopol was captured by English- French troops. Along with the defeats in the Crimea, the Caucasus, our troops were victorious, destroying the Turkish squadron and captured the fortress Kars. This large-scale war needed a large number material and human resources on the part of Russia which we didn`t have in 1856.
In addition Nicholas I was afraid to fight with the rest of Europe, as Prussia was already on the edge of going to war. The Emperor had to give in and sign a peace treaty. Some historians say that after the defeat in the Crimean War, Nikolai committed suicide by taking poison, because the honor and dignity for him were in the first place.
results After the peace agreement that was signed in Paris, Russia lost control over the Black Sea, the protection of such countries as Serbia, Wallachia and Moldavia.