Individual Differences
Marcin Zajenkowski COURSE PAGE Password: intelligence
Grading Final exam – 35 points Extra credit – 0,5 point for each reaction paper, total = 5,5. Grade Points 3 21 - 25 3+ 26 - 29 4 30 – 31 4+ 32 - 33 5 34 and more
Extra credit Reaction papers x 11 Task: read an article, write a short paper (no more than 1 page A4) including: What it is the main thesis of the article? Your critical thoughts about the concept, methodology etc. Please provide arguments to support your crtitcism. Use APA style Bring to the class
Readings G. Matthews, Ian J. Deary, and M. C. Whiteman (2009). Personality Traits. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Chapters: 1, 2, 4, 10, 12] Deary, I. (2001). Intelligence. A very short introduction. Oxford: University Press. Chapters: 1-6 (pages: 1-113).
Topics Introduction (23.02) The nature and structure of intelligence (2.03) RP: On the internet find information about Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory. 3. IQ tests (9.03) RP: Sternberg, R. (2004). Culture and Intelligence. American Psychologist, 59, 325-338.
Topics Topics 4. Biological basis of intelligence (16.03) RP: Arden, S., Gottfredson, L., Miller, G., Pierce, A. (2009). Intelligence and semen quality are positively correlated, 37, 277-282. 5. Cognitive basis of intelligence (30.03) RP: Harrison et al. (2013). Working Memory Training May IncreaseWorking Memory Capacity but Not Fluid Intelligence. Psychological Science. 6. Intelligence in everyday life (6.04) RP: Deary, I., Gottfredson, L. (2005). Intelligence Predicts Health and and Longevity, but Why? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13, 1-4.
Topics Topics 7. Group differences in intelligence (20.04) RP: Lynn, R. (2010). In Italy, north–south differences in IQ predict differences in income, education, infant mortality, stature, and literacy. Intelligence, 38, 93–100. 8. Flynn effect (27.04) RP: Gresham, F.M., Reschly, D.J. (2011). Standard of Practice and Flynn Effect Testimony in Death Penalty Cases. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 49, 131-140.
Topics 9. Intelligence and religion and beliefs (4.05) RP: Norenzayan, A., Gervais, W. M., Trzesniewski, K. H. (2012). Mentalizing Deficits Constrain Belief in a Personal God. Plos One, 7, 1-8. 10. Emotional intelligence (11.05) RP: Austin, E. i in. Emotional intelligence, Machiavellianism and emotional manipulation: Does EI have a dark side? Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 179–189. 11.
Topics 11. Temperament – its nature and history (18.05) 12. Eysenck’s theory of temperament/personality (25.05) - RP: DeYoung, C. G. (2013). The neuromodulator of exploration: A unifying theory of the role of dopamine in personality. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, article 762. [ONLY to page 11 – Extraversion] 13. Regulative Theory of Temperament (1.06)
Topics 14. Big Five (8.06) - RP: Personality's 'Big One': Reality or Artifact?, Psychology Today Blog 15. Consequences of temperament: mood and cognitive performance + Review (additional class)