Origins of LDE Center Safety & Security and the Value of Multidisciplinary Education Jan van den Berg
Origins of the Centre Complex Society: system of systems smart city smart grid cyberspace Inherent & Emerging Risks Science may help: Safety & Security Science (monodisciplinary, multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity)
LDE Safety & Security Participating faculties + departments Research Exec. Ed: Cyber Security Academy Minor + MSc Safety Security & Justice LDE Safety & Security Interfaculty initiatives Campus The Hague Technology, Policy, Management School of Law Law Electrical Engineering, Matehematics, Computer Science Civil engineering, Geosciences School of Economics Interdepartemental initiatives Institute for Criminal Law and Crimonology Hydraulic Engineering Architecture-OTB Public Law Institute for Public Law Centre for terrorism and counterterrorism Infrastructure Systems & Services Micro-electronics Values & Technology Econometric Institute Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics
Key Challenges It is all about managing S&S risks Risk Assessment (Likelihoods & Impacts) Risk Mitigation approaches (Measures) Developing Safety & Security Science Methodologies (mono- up to trans-disciplinary) Applying them in all kinds of subdomains to create new (science-based) insights
Towards transdisciplinarity Option 1: doing research in teams (co-creation) Option 2: developing/co-creating a MSc program (like at the CSA The Hague)
Creating a vision, a conditio sine que non (!!) Cyberspace decomposed: Technical layer (enables) IT services ~ information security ~ CIA(A) Socio-tech layer cyber activities (key assets) ~ cyber security ~ personal/business/societal goals Governance layer (restricts) governance & management ~ rules & regulations (for other layers) ~ cyber risk appetite (~ acceptable risk levels), ethics & compliance 6
Cyber Security = risk management challenge
Elaborating transdisciplinarity: first step
Elaborating transdisciplinarity Current practice: individual courses often still use mostly mono-disciplinary approaches assignments & MSc thesis research show integration attempts (including selection of right disciplinary models, methods and tools) so, still limited integration moments!! Challenge for the future developing basic set of mono-disciplinary, …, trans-disciplinary building blocks (models, methods and tools) in concrete cases, learning to select & apply them
Targeted Attacks and Human Vulnerability SWIFT banking system (a.o.) ( ‘crown juwels’ ) Use of ‘kill chain’ concept and (preventive) modeling of human vulnerabilities using attack trees