Mobile (Smartphone & tablet) A deep dive
Table of contents Demographics 3 Key readership facts 4 Time spent 7 Reach 8 Who are they? 12 Delivering results 33 Testimonials 35 Targetting/priming 36 The multi-platform study 40 Context 44 Summary 47
Demographics 49% 51% Unique users Reach Share of Audience Adults 36.9m 70% 100% 18-34 13.3m 93% 36% 35-54 14.1m 83% 38% 55+ 7.5m 40% 20% ABC1 22.3m 77% 61% C2DE 14.6m 62% 49% 51% Source: NRS PADD Apr 2016 – Mar 2017
13m 18-34s Newsbrands reach 93% of millennials on mobile Millennials classified as 18-34 year old adults. Source: NRS PADD Apr 2016 – Mar 2017
readers via smartphones and tablet Tablets and smartphones extend the reach of newsbrands +10m readers via smartphones and tablet Newsbrands reached 47.5 million people across all devices (print/PC/mobile(smartphone or tablet)) 37.6 million people via PCs or Print Source: NRS PADD Apr 2016 – Mar 2017
+25% +53% Mobile newsbrand readers are more receptive to advertising online NEW! +25% “Online advertising alerts me to new products and services” +53% “I often recommend things I have seen advertised online” Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016
Readers spend a significant amount of time with their newsbrand of choice Time spent reading newsbrands on the days people read Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016
Mobile reach is unique by title Total monthly reach (000) Source: NRS PADD Apr 2016 – Mar 2017
Mobile reach 70% 71% By gender (millions) 18.1m 18.7m Male Female 23m Source: NRS PADD Apr 2016 – Mar 2017
Mobile reach By age groups (millions) 91% 40% 88% 78% 96% Source: NRS PADD Apr 2016 – Mar 2017
Who are they?
Mobile readers are… 88% 76% 9.5 million 11.3M 84% TECH SAVVY 88% ‘When I need information the first place I look is the internet’ FAMILY ORIENTATED FINANCIALLY AWARE HEALTHY 76% ‘To stay healthy, it is important to exercise regularly’ FOODIES 9.5 million ‘I get a lot of pleasure out of food’ 11.3M ‘I enjoy spending time with my family’ 84% ‘I don’t like the idea of being in debt’ Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
Newsbrand readers on mobile are more likely to buy a brand new car Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
They are actually more likely to buy a car in the next 4-6 months Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
They tend to spend more on them than most people… Mean (£) spent on their car Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days £14,206 £13,770 £14,147 £14,038 £13,834 Source: TGI ClickStream Mobile 2016 Q4
Keeping up with the latest fashions is important to newsbrand readers on mobile Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
Female newsbrand readers on mobile are more likely to be heavy users of cosmetics Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Heavy users: Spend more than £10 Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
Both male and female mobile readers spend more on skincare than the average person Mean (£) spent on skincare per month £9.90 £10.00 £10.20 £10.50 Women £6.80 £7.10 £7.00 Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Men Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
Mobile newsbrand readers are savvy shoppers and are more likely to hold retailer reward cards Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
They’re also more likely to use them Used in the last 3 months Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
Mobile readers are prepared to pay more for products that make their lives easier Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
They are also more likely to shop online because it makes their lives easier Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
Similarly, newsbrand readers on mobile like to have technology that makes life easier at home Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
They are more likely to use the internet to compare prices Activities internet used for in the last 6 months Activities used the internet for in last 6 months – Comparing prices Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
In fact, they are more likely to rely on the internet to do a variety of tasks Activities internet used for in the last 6 months Property hunting: Looking for a new house or flat ~ Activities Internet used for in last 6 months Job hunting: Looking at job opportunities ~ Activities Internet used for in last 6 months Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
In fact, they are more likely to rely on the internet to do a variety of tasks Activities internet used for in the last 6 months Listening to/downloading music ~ Activities Internet used for in last 6 months Listening to podcasts ~ Activities Internet used for in last 6 months Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
In fact, they are more likely to rely on the internet to do a variety of tasks Activities internet used for in the last 6 months Buying something/Selling something at an online auction ~ Activities Internet used for in last 6 months Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
Newsbrand readers on mobile are more aware of personal finance than they were in the past Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
They only take out credit/loans when they absolutely necessary Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
Newsbrand readers on mobile are more likely than most people to visit finance/Business sites Types of sites visited ~ Finance/Business Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
They are also more likely to source Finance products online Financial products/services sourced online Daily newspaper via mobile in last 7 days Watch TV ever Listen to the radio ever Facebook visited in last 7 days Twitter visited in last 7 days Instagram visited in last 7 days YouTube visited in last 7 days Source: TGI Clickstream Mobile 2017 Q2
mobile can deliver results How newsbrands on mobile can deliver results
Newsbrands are part of the daily networked conversation that people are engaged in Millennials: 18-34 year old adults
People welcome clever advertising that exploits digital technology I'd like digital marketing to be smarter – if there were a way to track someone's reading habits and show them adverts based on this it would be useful. I love fashion so this advert is perfect for my interest. It's related to somewhere I can shop for clothes so would definitely interest me – I love clothes shopping! - Sophie, 23 “ I would make it less invasive and more targeted. I know that internet advertisers can track your browsing activity and target adverts at you, but I feel these are still quite generic. I don't know how, but it would be great to see adverts tailored personally to you - Michael, 21 “ ...The Daily Mail for example is right at the bottom of the screen and is great because it is tailored and non-intrusive to the story I'm reading - Mark, 33 “ I would like more personalised and more interactive ads. I like adverts which are moving and catch the eye, rather than just a still image - Paul, 34 “ Source: Newsworks, Be smart about smartphones, 2015
You can target your advertising to specific parts of the day Browser Morning Afternoon Evening Late night/early morning Average duration (minutes) Number of visits/people So let’s look first at newspaper websites on smartphones. Number of visitors is steady throughout the day – apart from a few hours in the middle of the night. I imagine though that might have been different on Sunday night with the number of people tweeting pictures of the lunar eclipse at 3am! The number of visits builds steadily as people wake up and get going on their day, dropping down a little during working hours, and rising again steadily during the evening. They don’t appear to be taking Arianna Huffington’s advice to switch off digital devices an hour before bedtime Duration follows a similar pattern though there are a few differences. Let’s zone in on some of those golden moments Time of day Source: YouGov analysis of passive website data, April - July 2015
You can target your advertising to specific parts of the day Apps Time of day Source: YouGov analysis of passive website data, April - July 2015
Average duration (mins) You can prime the valuable smartphone audience at the right time of day Discount websites Morning Afternoon Evening Number of visits Average duration (mins) You can prime smartphone readers to be responsive to your brand. Smartphone newsbrand readers love a bargain – morning and early evening are the best time to target them Time of day Source: YouGov analysis of passive website data, April - July 2015 Base: Newsbrand visitors on smartphones
Average duration (mins) You can prime the valuable smartphone audience at the right time of day Travel websites Travel websites: number of visits Average total duration (mins) Morning Afternoon Evening Average duration (mins) Number of visits Smartphone newsbrand readers love researching travel – target them in the late evening when they are dreaming of their next holiday. Time of day Source: YouGov analysis of passive website data, April - July 2015 Base: Newsbrand visitors on smartphones
+ • Salience +27% • Awareness +26% Combining smartphone with print drives saliency and awareness + • Salience +27% • Awareness +26% Each print and digital combination builds slightly different brand strengths – although the powerful influence of print can be seen in all dual platform combinations with the strong impact on brand salience and spontaneous awareness. Source: The multi-platform study, 2016
Combining tablet with print creates a strong multiplier effect on brand measures • Salience +52% + • Worth paying extra for +43% • Quality +31% • Awareness +31% • Trustworthy +30% Each print and digital combination builds slightly different brand strengths – although the powerful influence of print can be seen in all dual platform combinations with the strong impact on brand salience and spontaneous awareness. Source: The multi-platform study, 2016
Mobile newsbrands drive interactions Industry Benchmark All newsbrand digital platforms outperformed industry benchmarks for click-through rates. While print, tablet and computer have the strongest effect on brand values, newsbrand advertising on smartphone drives the highest level of interaction. CTR average 0.94 1.11 0.07 Source: The multi-platform study, 2016
Digital newsbrands command high attention Attention and engagement is vital in today’s multi-media environment. The interaction time with digital newsbrand ads – as measured by MOAT analytics in was an impressive 10 seconds. This obviously varied by campaign – ads which specifically encouraged deeper engagement witnessed interaction times of up to 16 seconds. Interaction time = Average length of time the user interacted with the ad when they entered the frame of the ad for at least 0.5 secs 10 seconds on average Source: The multi-platform study, 2016
Personal identification Regular newsbrand readers have a strong connection to newsbrands Engagement Trust Personal identification Newsbrand readers have very high levels of emotional engagement with their chosen newsbrand and attention levels are high – and that relationship is constantly being reinforced due to the frequency of reading. In the attention deficit age, could we measure the impact of highly focussed attention? There are high levels of trust in the newsbrand they favour. The context in which the ads are seen is one that readers personally identify with, and that makes them feel part of a like-minded community – they see themselves as Mirror readers, or Guardian readers or Telegraph readers, for example. Readers seem very aware that placement of ads in newsbrands imbues those ads with certain values. Brand context effect The more engaged the reader the stronger the effect Source: Newsworks, The company you keep, 2015
Regular newsbrand readers vs. non-readers People reading on tablets react positively to ads in the familiar context of their favoured newsbrands* Brand love Buzz Consideration Results averaged to create 3 key metrics: Brand love is a composite of 3 engagement metrics – how close people feel towards the brand, the warmth of their feelings, and the brands empathy with them. Buzz shows how much people think the brands are talked about. Consideration measures intent to purchase the next time people are in the market. +10% +14% +31% Regular newsbrand readers vs. non-readers Source: Newsworks, The company you keep, 2015 * Results from online study
+25% +40% +97% Brand love Buzz Consideration Physical interaction increases context effect for tablets* Brand love +25% Buzz +40% Consideration +97% Showing print and tablet editions on pc screens tends to underestimate their impact. So we also looked at ad responses when people read the physical paper and tablet newsbrand – and this was amongst our supplementary sample. Source: Newsworks, The company you keep, 2015 * Projections from physical test
Summary Newsbrands on smartphones and tablets have strong reach – 37 million adults per month Mobile newsbrand readers are a valuable audience and are willing to spend more on products Mobile newsbrands drive interactions and command high attention People trust and have an emotional connection to their chosen newsbrand which leads to a brand context effect - people react favourably to ads in the familiar context of their favoured newsbrand NEWS