A14 Pangarayow Kow di Tuhan


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Presentation transcript:

A14 Pangarayow Kow di Tuhan Kikiawi i riniba, Pangarayow kow di Tuhan Rikot kow no do sumamba, Eensan-insan o ginawo. A14 Pangarayow Kow di Tuhan

A14 Pangarayow Kow di Tuhan Yalo no o Kinoringan, Minongurug do riniba, Yalo-no minomiara, Tu domba tokow dialo. A14 Pangarayow Kow di Tuhan

A14 Pangarayow Kow di Tuhan Keyeeyo tokow di Tuhan, Nurug tokow di longon yo, Otoluod yalo daton, Mana’ak do koposiyon. A14 Pangarayow Kow di Tuhan

A14 Pangarayow Kow di Tuhan Suwang kow oy tongo tulun, Sid walay sasambayangon, Monorimakasi tokow, Sid suwang om sid soliwan. A14 Pangarayow Kow di Tuhan

A14 Pangarayow Kow di Tuhan Kayow minlalanu tokow, Mangarayow dit ngaran yo, Monorimakasi tokow, Sodoy-adlaw asot gisom. A14 Pangarayow Kow di Tuhan

A14 Pangarayow Kow di Tuhan I kowosian di Tuhan Om kotoluadan yopo Sid daton tulun Kristian, Tidino om singkole’ed. A14 Pangarayow Kow di Tuhan

Kepada Tuhan nyanyi-lah Mari-lah kepada Allah Segala orang di dunia Kepada Tuhan nyanyi-lah Mari-lah kepada Allah Berbakti-lah dan puji-lah A14M Segala Orang

Dia-lah Allah yang benar, Khalik kita sesungguh-nya Dia gembala yang besar, Kita diangkat domba-nya A14M Segala Orang

Masuk-lah ke halaman-nya, Bergembira, sukaria S'lalu hormati nama-nya Demikian sepatut-nya A14M Segala Orang

Tuhan begitu sifat-nya, S'lalu tunjukkan rahmat-nya Tegaplah kebenaran-nya, Teguh selama-lama-nya A14M Segala Orang

1. Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Does its successive journeys run; His kingdom spread from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. A14E Jesus Shall Reign

2. To Jesus endless prayer be made, And endless praises crown his head; His name like sweet perfume shall rise With every morning sacrifice. A14E Jesus Shall Reign

3. People and realms of every tongue Dwell on his love with sweetest song; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his name. A14E Jesus Shall Reign

4. Blessings abound where'er he reigns; All prisoners leap and loose their chains The weary find eternal rest, And all who suffer want are blest. A14E Jesus Shall Reign

5. Let every creature rise and bring Honors peculiar to our King; Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud amen! A14E Jesus Shall Reign