The Goal of Guided Reading To develop Independent Readers!
What is Guided Reading? The student reading out loud to an adult with feedback. This is NOT independent silent reading. The focus is on skills and strategies for independent reading of unfamiliar text.
What is Guided Reading? (cont.) Guided reading is not round robin reading! The adult must provide correction, feedback, and instruction on word recognition, fluency, and comprehension. The focus is on skills and strategies for independent reading of unfamiliar text.
DO NOT TELL the word Also teach students NOT to TELL others the word but to use prompts that good readers use. Some students need more guidance than others. We do not want students to get frustrated. They will shut down!
How Do I Conduct Guided Reading? Students must read aloud. Adult looking at print and providing immediate feedback. Teach students to look through the words carefully. We need students to develop good reading habits. HAND, BOOKMARK, CHART, and GOOD READERS STATEMENTS
Meaning Cues: Come from children’s life experiences Marie Clay explains these three sources of information: meaning, structure, and visual information. Visual Information: Comes from knowing the relationship between oral language and its graphic symbols Structure or syntax: Comes from knowing how oral language is put together
Guided Instruction, Practice, Application Guided reading lessons are designed to provide support so students can apply and practice strategies on their own. Guided reading lessons are designed to provide support so students can apply and practice strategies on their own. The teacher begins this support in the introduction, discussing needed background and content specific vocabulary for the specific book. During reading, the teacher provides individualized support when students run into problems. After-reading discussions and activities bring other skill needs to light for the teacher to address with a brief, explicit and focused lesson. Bev Meyeroff
Focused Guided Reading LESSON K-2 Working with books Working with sounds Working with letters Word solving strategies Comprehension: retelling, character analysis, problem/solution, compare/contrast Vocabulary strategies Fluency 3-5 Word solving strategies Vocabulary strategies Fluency and phrasing Comprehension: retelling, character analysis, problem/solution, compare/contrast, visualizing, making connections, asking questions, determining importance, summarizing, cause and effect, inferring, evaluating Bev Meyeroff
BOOK SELECTION Teachers select a specific book for a guided reading group that clearly addresses the reading strategy students need to practice AND is at the students’ instructional level (students knows 90% of the words).
Word Solving Strategies Children need to have a series of strategies they can use when they do not know a word. Not just “SOUND IT OUT” Instead: “What could you try?” “Try it” “Try it again”
READING IS THINKING! Thinking is the essence of reading! Reading is more than just saying words! Hmmm…
Pre- and Emergent Readers (levels PC-C) Identification of letters and sounds Formation of letters Book and Print Awareness Introduction to sight words Decoding strategies
Components of Guided Reading for Emergent Readers (Levels PC-C) Working With Letters Working with Sounds Working with Books Interactive Writing
Early Readers: Levels D-I Monitor by checking the meaning of the story and a visual match of the word Problem-solve new words using a variety of strategies Reread at difficulty to access meaning and structure Read for fluency, phrasing and expression Make predictions, retell, and summarize what they have read Read and write a large bank of sight words and sentences Apply phonetic principles and comprehension skills (WR).
Components of Guided Reading for Early Reading (Levels D-I) Sight Word Review Introduce new book: picture walk, predictions, new vocabulary Teaching Points: (Phonics skill/Comprehension strategy) Students Whisper or Quiet Read (no round robin) Teacher takes anecdotal notes/running record (PM) Discussion of book/pages- revisit teaching points Follow-up/ Guided Writing/ Retell/Written Response
Transitional Readers (levels I/J-P) Have large bank of sight words Still learning to decode big words Increase fluency Expand vocabulary Improve Oral and Written Comprehension Strong readers in K and 1st aree considered transitional readers even if they read fluently because they rarely have the vocabulary and background experiences to comprehend texts above 3rd grade level Average 2nd graders belong to this stage since they are still learning phonics skills, decoding strategies, and comprehension skills Intermediate students who lag behind their peers are often transitional readers who need to improved decoding skills, vocabulary strategies, and comprehension Once students are able to read and understand text at level Q, they rarely have decoding and fluency issues
Components of Guided Reading for Transitional Readers (Levels I/J-P) Introduction to book: predictions, new vocabulary, text features Teaching Points (Phonics skill & Comprehension strategy focus) Students may Read Quietly with a partner or Silently- Teacher takes anecdotal notes/running record (PM) Discussion of book- refocus on teaching points Word Study (if appropriate) Follow Up Comprehension - Written Response
Guided Instruction, Practice, Application Guided reading lessons are designed to provide support so students can apply and practice strategies on their own. Our goal is to build Independent Readers! Guided reading lessons are designed to provide support so students can apply and practice strategies on their own. The teacher begins this support in the introduction, discussing needed background and content specific vocabulary for the specific book. During reading, the teacher provides individualized support when students run into problems. After-reading discussions and activities bring other skill needs to light for the teacher to address with a brief, explicit and focused lesson.
“By following lesson plans and selecting a purpose for your guided reading groups, you will see radical improvements in children’s reading progress. Your focus will determine your effectiveness.” -Jan Richardson As Mike Rutherford would say “Clear learning goal”