Multiple Strategies 1st Grade Math
Today’s Goal Be able to solve addition and subtraction problems using multiple strategies.
What is Multiple Strategies? Multiple strategies is when you are trying to find the answer to a question or problem in more ways than one. . Everyone turn to your shoulder partner and take turns telling each other what multiple strategies means. Go!”
Why is learning multiple strategies important? It helps us by giving us ideas on how we can come to answers more easily. . Perhaps you have been using one way your entire life but when someone teaches you another way the process becomes easier. It helps us find the easiest way to solve something. Everyone say that with me (choral snap); ‘it helps us find the easiest way to solve something.’”
What are we doing today? We are going to be looking at three different ways we can solve addition and subtraction problems today Manipulatives or objects Drawing pictures Using number lines
Manipulatives Strategy 2 + 5= Look at the problem Gather objects for each number in the problem Perform the operation of the problem Lastly, we count up all the objects to find our answer So to solve this using my manipulatives I am going to first look at the problem. Next, I need to gather objects to represent each number in the problem. How many objects do I need for the first part of the problem (cold call and snap)? And for the second part how many do I need?” are we adding or subtracting here (cold call and snap). And what is our answer(cold call and snap)? that’s correct. I want us to get into the habit of when you read your answer I want you to get in the habit of saying the equation which is the problem and then the answer, so for this problem you would say “2 + 5 = 7. You try it (choral snap) ‘2 + 5 = 7
Manipulatives Strategy 5 - 2= Look at the problem Identify the largest number Gather object for the largest number Take away the smallest number amount of objects Lastly, we count up all the objects to find our answer I am going to first look at the problem we would have started with the largest number in the problem which is what (cold call and snap)? And then we would have taken away the objects the problem tells us to which in this case is 2. So our problem would have been 5-2.” work the problem out for the kids to see with your manipulatives. “What is my answer, say it in the way we just practiced(cold call and snap)?”
Drawing Pictures Strategy 9 + 4= Look at the problem Draw pictures or symbols to represent each number in the problem Perform the operation of the problem Count the sum or difference of pictures or symbols Follow along with me on your white boards. Ok, my problem is 9+4. So I am going to draw 9 pictures to represent that number because it is the first number in the problem.” Draw 9 mickey heads Ask “how many am I going to draw for the second part of the problem (cold call and snap)?” Draw 4 more mickey heads on the board. Say “ the next thing I am going to do is add all the pictures together and count up all of the pictures I drew to represent my problem to find the calculation of my two numbers because that is what addition is What is addition everyone (choral snap)? What is the answer to my problem everyone (choral snap)?
Drawing pictures strategy 9 – 4= Look at the problem Identify the largest number Draw pictures for the largest number Cross out or erase the smallest number of pictures Lastly, we count up all the remaining pictures I would have to start with the biggest number and draw that many pictures.” Draw 9 pictures Now I am going to subtract or take away the next number (4) of pictures which is four to find the difference between the two numbers because that is what subtraction is What is subtraction (cold call and snap)? Draw cross out 4 of the 9 pictures on the board to represent 9 take away 4 Ask “What is the answer to my problem everyone (choral snap)?
11 + 6= Number Line Strategy Start on the number line at the first number in the problem Identify the second number in the problem Count up or add that many spaces on the number line The number you land on after adding is the answer to your question. What is my problem (cold call and snap)? so I am going to start on the number line at the first number in the problem which is 11 and count up or add 6, away from zero How many spaces do I need to move up the number line from 11 (cold call and snap)? Demonstrate and have the students follow along on their number lines moving from 11 up 6 to get to 17. Ask “What number did you all land on? Yes, you should have stopped on number 17. The number you land on after adding is the answer to your question. Everyone say the equation and answer in the way we practiced (choral snap).”
The number you stop at on the number line is your answer Number line Strategy 11 – 6= Identify the largest number in the problem and find it on the number line Count DOWN towards zero on the number line the number of spaces as indicated by the second number in the problem The number you stop at on the number line is your answer I would change how I use the number line. First, identify the largest number in the problem which is what? So I am going to find 11 on the number, everyone do that on your own number line. Now we are going to count DOWN towards zero on the number line the second number in the problem in this case 6 spaces to get our answer.” Demonstrate how to count down 6 spaces from 11 on the number line. Ask “what is my answer (cold call and snap)? Say “great job on counting down the number line! Ok now I am going to give you some problems and I want you to work together to solve the problems.”
Group problem solving - Manipulatives Coleman will determine how many objects are needed for each number in the problem, Luke will pull the objects and place them in a way that corresponds to what Coleman says Paris will determine the answer. 9 + 8= 17 You are going to be working in cooperative groups. That means each of you must do your assigned job or you won’t find the answer to your problem. ok I want you to solve the problem 9 + 8 using the manipulative strategy we just discussed. You have three minutes. Begin.” Set the timer and coach the students with prompting questions if they require assistance. Which number do you look at first How are you going to count them all up How many cubes do you need for the second part of the equation Say “what is the answer (choral snap)?” Can anyone remind me what how we define addition(wait for hands)?
Group Problem Solving – Drawing Pictures Paris will read the problem and determine how many pictures are needed for each number in the problem Coleman will draw the pictures and place them in a way that corresponds to what Paris says Luke will determine the answer. 7 – 5= 2 ok I want you to solve the problem 7 - 5 using the pictures strategy we just discussed. You have three minutes. Begin.” Set the timer and coach the students with prompting questions if they require assistance. Are we adding or subtracting Are you going to draw 7 pictures and then another 5 pictures How are you going to show take away with the pictures Say “what is the answer (cold call and snap)?” Can anyone remind me how we define subtraction (wait for hands)?
Group Problem Solving – Number line Luke will read the problem and determine which number on the number line to begin at. Paris will mark the number line at the beginning number and will tell Coleman how many spaces to move up. Coleman will determine the answer. 10 + 9= 19 ok I want you to solve the problem 10 + 9 using the number line strategy we just discussed. You have three minutes. Begin.” Set the timer and coach the students with prompting questions if they require assistance. What number do you need to start at Which way on the number line do you move if you are adding Do I start at 10 and then count ‘1,2,3…’ or do I count ’11, 12, 13…’ Say “what is the answer (choral snap)?” Can anyone remind me what we are learning and why it is important to learn (wait for hands and cold call)?”
Coleman: Paris: Your Turn!!! 5 + 6 Manipulative strategy. 10 – 4 picture strategy. Luke: 9 -2 number line strategy. now that you have had sufficient practice with each of the strategies I want to see how well you do on your own. I am going to give you a problem and am going to assign you a strategy to solve it with.
Multiple Strategies Review What was our goal today ? Why is it so important to learn and practice using multiple strategies? Exit Slip! Say “what was our goal today (cold call and snap)?” Student exemplar response “To be able to solve addition and subtraction problems using multiple strategies.” Say “That’s right! And why is it so important to learn and practice using multiple strategies (cold call and snap?) Student exemplar response “It is important to learn and practice using multiple strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems because it helps us find the easiest way for us to find the solution to a problem.” Say “That’s right, If one way is too hard for us to solve a problem we have more options to help us solve it.” Say “ok, now I want to see how well you mastered each of the strategies so I am going to give you an exit slip to assess that. You need to complete it and turn it in to me before you leave. Good luck!”