The Three Little Pigs Story Drawings The following drawings were completed about half-way through the topic. By this time the children had heard the story lots of times and had opportunity to retell the story with actions as a group. They had also all had the chance to use the story sack to retell the story. Children were simply asked to draw the story. They had chunky drawing pencils and writing pencils to choose from. They were not guided during the activity and were allowed to draw what they wanted. Adults simply asked them about what they were drawing and annotated any comments the children made as they drew their pictures.
Child’s comments… “A pig carried loads of sticks.” “I can build a house sticks.” “Now I’m gunna do a little pig.” “Done all the pigs.” “He huffed and he puffed and he blowed the house down.” “This is gunna be big bad wolf.” “That’s his hair.” “This is a big massive eye.”
Child’s comments… “A pig.” “A wolf blowed a house.” “Say “I’m gonna get you.””
Child’s comments…. “Pig.” “The big bad wolf.” “Big head.” “Big eyes.” “Long legs.” “Blow his house down.” “Not the bricks.”
Child’s comments… “A pig.” “Big bad wolf.” “Bricks.” “Circle.”
Child’s comments… “The little pigs.” “The big bad wolf fall in the water.” “The big bad wolf I gonna eat you up.” “Them are the shooting stars.” (child pointing to the blue marks.)
Child’s comments… “A big bad wolf.” “A pig.” “No! Chinny chin!” “I did a big wolf.” “Eat the pig.” “He eat it.”
Child’s comments… “Wolf.” “Blow.” “Wanted this fall down.” “House.” “Sticks.” “Bricks.” NB. EAL child (first language Polish)
Child’s comments… “It’s like a screen – like on my telly.” “The wolf didn’t blow the bricks of the house.” “The wolf blowed the straw and the sticks.” “That’s an ear.” “The pig has got five eyes.”
Child’s comments… “A toad.” “I drawed all the pigs and I need to do big bad wolf.” “I just done legs.” “I done a cross ‘cos I’m good at a crosses.”
Child’s comments… “I know the big bad wolf blowed down the houses – that’s all I know.” “That’s the big bad wolf.” “He looks happy.” “That’s a pig.” “A little pig.” “That’s another pig.” “I called her Talia.” (which is the name of the child who was drawing) “That’s their circles.”
Child’s comments… “Three pigs.” “That’s the big bad wolf.” “He fell down the chimney.” “He blowed the house down.”
Child’s comments… “The big bad wolf.” “The big bad wolf is gonna blow the piggies’ houses down.” “The red pig.” “A yellow pig.” “A purple pig.” “The straw.” “The stick house – he’s having the stick house.” “The bricks.” “He’s the biggest pig ever!” (pointing to the yellow pig.) NB: This child scored highly on their baseline assessment.
Child’s comments…. “One is a green one, one is a yellow one and one is a blue one.” “One is called Donald, one is called Goofey and one is called Mickey….three little pigs.” “A big bad wolf comed down the chimney.” NB. This child is a big Mickey Mouse Club House fan!