A Timeless Consumer Product The West A Timeless Consumer Product
The Most Important Historical Paper in History: A Closed Frontier? Frederick Jackson Turner’s The Significance of the Frontier in American History Delivered at the World Columbian Exposition, (World’s Fair) Chicago 1893 Critical Crossroads: US Census of 1890 can not delineate a “Frontier Line” for first time in US History
The Turner Thesis The Frontier divided Civilization from Savagery and forged the American Character. The Frontier inculcated the MOST AMERICAN Values to America: Rugged Individualism, Democracy, Hard Work, Independence, Equality. The Frontier was a place of Continual Re-Birth of the American Spirit. Progress requires a retreat into a primitive state to elevate into a more advanced state. Waves of settlement made America progress. The Frontier acted as an escape valve for social turmoil and social decay. The Frontier was the Most American part of America and was the great assimilator.
Retreat to Primitive State
American Values American Escape Valve American Assimilator
“The Old Story” By Charlie M. Russell What is Russell suggesting about the Frontier?
A.T. Andreas’ History of Chicago Founder: Jean Baptiste Pointe Du Sable