Galleons and Caravans Nodes, Ports and Cities
What are the largest world cities today? Tokyo – 38 million Delhi – 25 million Mexico city, Mumbai and Sao Paulo – 21 million Osaka – 20 million Beijing – 20 million NY – 18.5 million London – 8,400
Outline of the lecture: Theory Derived mostly from European urban history. – look especially at Jan de Vries’s European Urbanization 1500-1800 (1984) Europe’s great cities – an early city state - Venice The example of Amsterdam European colonial cities - Batavia Islamic cities The example of Istanbul Other Asian cities – Edo
Theory 4.1 Wallerstein, Braudel, de Vries Jan de Vries - European Urbanization 1500-1800 (1984) regional contexts for cities networks and systems of cities the growth of Europe’s single urban core see history of urbanization in early modern era as dismantling of an old urban structure -
2. Europe’s great cities 1500 - only 4 cities with popls over 100,000 - 1700 were ten - London and Paris had pops. Of over 500,000; Naples had 300,000 and Amsterdam - 200,000 & by 1750 - 14 - most were capitals - 5 were also ports the Italian city-states were the urban leaders of the medieval world Venice
17thC. Urban growth new growth of growth of 9 cities - all capitals accounted for a third of increase in total urban pop. - Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Dublin, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Paris, Rome and Vienna in 17thC. - Amsterdam, London & Paris respons. For 40% of all growth in urban pop. In Europe as a whole
Amsterdam a fishing village till 1200; its population rose from 50,000 in 1600 to 200,000 in 1700 – was a melting pot; a port of 5,000 ships annually. Population Growth and Minorities Trade, Finance and Consumerism
Colonial Cities European encounter with Asia: fort or factory. Batavia in 1700 – pop. 50,000 – 100,000 1760-1780 1625 – Goa – c. 100,000 1770 – only 2,000 -Calcutta – 12,000 in 1710 – to 120,000 by 1750 Manila – founded in 1571 by 1810 pop. 100,000 by 1700 Asia (not counting the Middle East) contained 55 cities with pops. of more than 100,000 – more than 100 with pops. of 50-100,000
Batavia 1619 – J.P. Coen conquered W. Java – kingdom of Jayakarta – build new headquarters of the VOCin asia – called Batavia Built from scratch in the tropics
5. Islamic Cities Types of Islamic City camp or ‘tented cities’ Isfahan Islam and urbanism Place of the mosque Residential buildings Physical structure of Islamic cities
Istanbul Capture of Constantinople in 1453; pop. 40,000 It became Istanbul – population by 1550s 500,000. Capital of the Ottoman Empire till 1922
Edo emerged as the new seat of the Tokugawa Shogunate, under Ieyasu. Edo became a military centre, and a centre of commerce and trade the Emperor still lived in Kyoto