Printed Circuit Board Layout Narrative plus Preliminary PCB Layout Group 14: Yonatan Feleke Brian Crone Matt Finn Samuel Oshin
Review Future Register Utilizes customer input to facilitate transactions in a low inventory fast food setting. Can communicate with a customer’s NFC- enabled cell phone to digitally transmit credit card information and receipts Vendor will be able to customize the inventory through the user interface.
PSSC Ability to customize the inventory via the user interface (Atom) Ability to recognize the NFC device, encrypt and transmit customer’s credentials into hard drive (dSPIC34 and atom) Ability to interface with a pressure sensor to detect the presence of a user (dSPIC34) Ability to display prompts to user through LCD (dSPIC34) Ability to aid cashier by highlighting menu choices while placing order with voice recognition (Atom)
Block Diagram
Current Schematic
Modular Design 10 inch by 8 inch Microcontroller and IR Centered due to pin usage NFC chip and antenna circuit Antenna separated to reduce noise NFC chip relatively closer to antenna LCD and Pull up resistor To the right to inform customers to pay here Max3232 and DSUB9 Bottom to allow connection of COM cable in the back
Preliminary PCB Layout