CLIC work program and milestones


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Presentation transcript:

CLIC work program and milestones CLIC MTP09 and 10 2009-2014 CLIC work program and milestones M&P Resources APT data J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

Tentative long-term CLIC scenario Shortest, Success Oriented, Technically Limited Schedule Technology evaluation and Physics assessment based on LHC results for a possible decision on Linear Collider with staged construction starting with the lowest energy required by Physics Council decision on CLIC TDR Conceptual Design Report (CDR) Technical Design Report (TDR) Project approval ? First Beam? J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

CLIC in HEP context Complementary to LHC Collaborative competition with ILC ILC CDR ILC TDR1 ILC TDR1 CLIC CDR CLIC TDR CARE J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

CLIC Fact Sheet MTP09 J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

CLIC-PLO/2006-017/Rev Note J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

CLIC major activities and milestones up to 2010 Demonstrate feasibility of CLIC technology Address all feasibility issues Design of a linear Collider based on CLIC technology Estimation of its cost (capital investment & operation) CLIC Physics study and detector development: Conceptual Design Report to be published in 2010 including Physics, Accelerator and Detectors R&D on critical issues and results of feasibility study, Preliminary performance and cost estimation J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

CLIC feasibility issues (all issues under: https://edms. cern J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

Addressing all major CLIC technology key issues in CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) Multi-lateral Collaboration of 21 volunteer institutes organized as a Physics Detector Collaboration 2004 2005 30 GHz stand and laser room 2004 - 2009 CLEX 2007-2009 TL2: 2007 Combiner Ring: 2006 Key issues From 2005: Accelerating structures (bi-metallic) Development& Tests (R2.1) 2007- 2008: Drive beam generation scheme (R1.2) 2008- 2009: Damped accelerating structure with nominal parameters (R1.1) ON/OFF Power Extraction Structure (R1.3) Drive beam stability bench marking (R2.2) CLIC sub-unit (R2.3) J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

CLIC Technical Design (2011-2015) Detailed work program by June 09 after review by MAC International governance Funding Siting Mass production models … Structure R&D Reduction of underground volume Better systems integration Reduced overhead / conservatism … ILC International Project Proposal (2012) R&D for Technical Risk Mitigation Cost Reduction Project Implementation Plan Global Mass Production Models and Industrialisation Main and Drive Linac components Klystrons … R&D based at Test Beam Facilities - Europe (CTF3, SLS, …) - Japan (ATF, ATF-2, Klystron lab at KEK) US (SLAC,CESR-TA at Cornell) J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09) 10

Consolidation and Upgrade Long term operational experience Options for long term use of CTF3: 2.4 GeV Two beam X-band linac ? The ultimate, only building limited two beam accelerator in CTF3 ! CLEX CTF2 2.4 GeV Consolidation and Upgrade Long term operational experience Industrialisation and power tests J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

Estimation of M&P resources distribution J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

M&P Resources J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

World-wide CLIC / CTF3 collaboration 24 members representing 27 institutes involving 17 funding agencies of 15 countries 27 collaborating institutes JINR (Russia) JLAB (USA) KEK (Japan) LAL/Orsay (France) LAPP/ESIA (France) NCP (Pakistan) North-West. Univ. Illinois (USA) University of Oslo (Norway) PSI (Switzerland), Polytech. University of Catalonia (Spain) RRCAT-Indore (India) Royal Holloway, Univ. London, (UK) SLAC (USA) Uppsala University (Sweden) Ankara University (Turkey) BINP (Russia) CERN CIEMAT (Spain) Cockcroft Institute (UK) Gazi Universities (Turkey) IRFU/Saclay (France) Helsinki Institute of Physics (Finland) IAP (Russia) IAP NASU (Ukraine) Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (Spain) INFN / LNF (Italy) J.Adams Institute, (UK) EPAC 2008 CLIC / CTF3 G.Geschonke, CERN 15 J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

Additional resources: New Initiatives (CLIC-PLO/2007-013) 14.5 MCHF 66 FTE J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

MTP08 J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

Comments on p27 and 29 to fig 7&8 of MTP08 on Projects Resources J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

CLIC budget evolution (MCHF) J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

MTP08 MTP09 J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

CLIC MTP09 J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

APT (CLIC M&P) J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)

Conclusion Delay by 6 months of Conceptual Design Report (CDR) to end 2010 and start of Technical Design to mid 2011. MTP09 based on the preparation of Technical Design pending decision by Council mid 2011 based on Physics requests (LHC results) and HEP world-wide context (ILC) Re-profiling of resources with savings of 16 MCHF in respect with MTP08 or 103 MCHF in respect with Internal budget 2009 integrated over 2009-2014 APT data (with top-down estimation from 2011) to be updated accordingly More precise bottom-up estimation by Group Leaders from Summer 2009 when TDR work program better clarified (final report by June 2009 after review by Advisory Committee in May 09) J.P.Delahaye MTP09 (06/04/09)