Thomas Schoerner-Sadenius DESY Hamburg, Germany


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Presentation transcript:

Thomas Schoerner-Sadenius DESY Hamburg, Germany Mini-Workshop on ILC Infrastructure, 31 August / 1 September 2015 The E-JADE Project Thomas Schoerner-Sadenius DESY Hamburg, Germany

Introduction – E-JADE The Europe-Japan Accelerator Development Exchange Programme addresses the need of exchange of ideas on R&D and implementation of future accelerators for particle physics. focuses on exchanging accelerator scientists between Europe and Japan. focuses on critical subjects – i.e. R&D, design + prototyping of future facilities. Key objectives beyond technical progress are sharing of technical knowledge, project organisation, treatment of multiple safety codes for technical equipment, purchase methodologies and industrial capabilities, innovation and networks to significantly advance these projects. E-JADE is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie “Research and Innovation Staff Exchange” (RISE) action, funded by the EU under Horizon2020. All in all 1.65 mio. EUR or about 230 mio. Yen. Corresponding to 540 person-months of secondments. Programme running successfully since early 2015. Excellent opportunity to gain experience in large-scale staff exchange. 31 August 2015 TSS: E-JADE

Partners 31 August 2015 TSS: E-JADE

Work Packages WP1: LHC consolidation, upgrades and R&D for future hadron machines Task 1.1: LHC operation + analysis: Integration of Japanese efforts in LHC operation; provide guidance for future projects. Task 1.2: The HL-LHC project: Engineering design and validation of two short prototype separation superconducting dipoles followed by construction preparation, construction and test of the final dipoles for the upgraded LHC insertion regions. Studies of crab cavities for the LHC lumi upgrade, benefitting from KEK experience. Task 1.3: High-field magnet R&D and preparation of future hadron injectors and colliders: R&D on the viability of HTS magnets of accelerator/collider quality. Enhance the exchange of staff between CERN and KEK in the context of the LIU project and the J-PARC intensity upgrade studies. Technologies of special interest are wideband cavities using magnetic alloy, solid-state amplifiers and low-level RF. WP leader: L. Rossi 31 August 2015 TSS: E-JADE

Work Packages WP1: LHC consolidation, upgrades and R&D for future hadron machines WP2: Nanometre-scale beam handling at the ATF Task 2.1: Beam Size Minimisation: Reduce effective β* parameter by improving corrections of optical aberrations. Install / operate new octupole correction magnets. Task 2.2: Wake Field: Calculate and measure wakefields from beam-position monitors and collimators. Test novel wakefield-free steering algorithm. Task 2.3: Ground Motion: Measure ground motion using 14 GM sensors synchronised with beam position measurements to assess novel GM based feed-forward algorithm. Test newly developed GM sensor. Task 2.4: Halo Collimation and Backgrounds: Calculate and measure beam halo propagation. Develop and test retractable collimators for halo reduction. Simulate beam-induced backgrounds with GEANT4. Task 2.5: Beam Instrumentation and control: Operate, simulate and optimise performances of existing instrumentation, including laser wire and nanometre- resolution beam position and size monitors. Install and operate new radiation-hard diamond sensor beam tail monitor. Develop new submicron optical transition/diffraction radiation beam emittance diagnostics. Task 2.6: Beam Position Feedback: Install and operate fast digital feedback for nanometre-level beam position stabilisation.  WP leader: P. Bambade 31 August 2015 TSS: E-JADE

Work Packages WP1: LHC consolidation, upgrades and R&D for future hadron machines WP2: Nanometre-scale beam handling at the ATF WP3: Linear collider targeted R&D Task 3.1: EDMS: Develop the scheme for an internationally accessible EDMS, complementing the Japan-specific engineering efforts and building on European experience with large-scale projects. Task 3.2: Machine and Detector Integration: Refine the description of the ILC machine-detector interface to include the site-specific requirements while still meeting the demanding performance goals at high luminosity. Integrate the current detector assembly and installation plans with the conditions at the Iwate site. This also includes the required detector infrastructure and services. Task 3.3: SRF: Optimise the SRF production procedures for use at the ILC and define integration procedures for the multiply-sourced cavities. Task 3.4: LC Optimisation: A high-intensity positron source is an important component of any LC. Positron polarisation is highly desirable and integral part of such a source. A common platform for CLIC and ILC has already been established that allows progress in this area. – There is a long-standing collaboration between Europe and KEK on development and testing of 12 GHz copper RF structures for use at a CLIC-based LC.  WP leader: E. Elsen 31 August 2015 TSS: E-JADE

Work Packages WP1: LHC consolidation, upgrades and R&D for future hadron machines WP2: Nanometre-scale beam handling at the ATF WP3: Linear collider targeted R&D WP4: Management and dissemination Task 4.1 Scientific and Financial Management Task 4.2 CERN & KEK Offices Task 4.3 Communication Task 4.4 Dissemination WP leader: S. Stapnes 31 August 2015 TSS: E-JADE

Work Packages WP1: LHC consolidation, upgrades and R&D for future hadron machines WP2: Nanometre-scale beam handling at the ATF WP3: Linear collider targeted R&D WP4: Management and dissemination WP5: Training and knowledge transfer Task 5.1: Provision of training courses Task 5.2: Implementation of an evaluation framework WP leader: TSS 31 August 2015 TSS: E-JADE

Secondment Eligibility The EU rules specify rather strictly who can profit from secondments: Only full-time staff members are eligible that are linked to the projects described in the work packages. The staff members need to be employed at the their home institute for at least 6 months prior to the secondment. Eligible staff members can be early-stage researchers, experienced researchers, or technical / administrative / managerial staff (this includes graduate students but excludes undergrads). Secondments are between 1 and 12 months (they can however be split into shorter periods). Staff members must not leave their home institute directly after their E-JADE secondment (built-in return mechanism). Financial relations: EU contributes 4500 EUR or 625000 Yen per month for each secondment (including management overhead of around 700 EUR). 31 August 2015 TSS: E-JADE