Quick Instructor Guide Welcome to the LMS Quick Instructor Guide. We will go through a simple walkthrough to get you familiarized with the LMS and its features. CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
To get started, login with your network username and password To get started, login with your network username and password. Then press enter or click Login. Getting Started CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
Overview Section – Quick Walkthrough CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
The Overall Dashboard is divided in 4 sections: Status Learning Metrics Calendar My Task List Upon login in you will see the Overall Dashboard and courses for you as a user. To see Instructor information click on the Group Dropdown and select Instructor. You will see the Instructor Dashboard with metrics specific to you as an Instructor. Overview Section – Quick Walkthrough CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
Overview Section – Quick Walkthrough Status If the Status Icon displays an orange-reddish open hand (aka “stop”), then you have rosters to update. Click the text link below the hand to display the associated courses in the bottom section. The Status Icon allows the Instructor, in a single glance, to see if they are up-to-date or overdue in completing their Instructor related tasks. Overview Section – Quick Walkthrough CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
Metrics gives you an overview of your current instructor status. Learning Metrics Click on these metrics to see the associated information in the bottom section. Metrics gives you an overview of your current instructor status. Overview Section – Quick Walkthrough CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
Overview Section – Quick Walkthrough Calendar Clicking on the date will show information pertaining to courses scheduled for the chosen day. You can quickly view summary information by rolling your mouse over the specific day. The Calendar displays the current month. A blue triangle will appear on days where you are assigned as an instructor for classroom courses scheduled for that day. Additional actions can be taken while looking at the date details. Navigate to the desired class and click the Print Roster button to see a roster report that can be printed. Overview Section – Quick Walkthrough CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
Click on the Actions button for additional options to take. You can select to update users status by clicking on the desired radio button. Calendar Click on the Actions button for additional options to take. You can even print the entire roster if desired. Once you made your selections, click Update Roster to make the desired changes. You can cancel enrollment on selected users. Update for each user as necessary. Click on the View Roster button to see the session list which displays all users enrolled in the selected class instance. On the Session List, you can perform several options. Overview Section – Quick Walkthrough CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
Navigating through Learning Object List CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
The Learning Object List displays a listing of courses you teach. This list displays by default. You may also click on the Active Courses number to display this list. Using Instructor - How to find instances CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
Click on the magnifying glass icon to filter this list if desired. You can select to filter by letter and do searches based on the dropdown menu. Once you have made the dropdown selection and entered a keyword click Search. Click on Class Count of the desired course to see a listing of class instances. You can display the Learning Object List in full screen mode by clicking on the Learning Object Tab. In either mode you can perform the following functions and actions. Using Instructor - How to find instances CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
Using Learning Object - How to find the course roster You can view and update the roster by clicking on the View text link. You can print the roster by clicking the Print text link. The Learning Object Instance list provides a listing of all class instances associated with the chosen course. Using Learning Object - How to find the course roster CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
Click on the Actions button for additional options to take. You can select to update users status by clicking on the desired radio button.. Click on the Actions button for additional options to take. Another method to update several users is by selecting its corresponding checkbox. You can even print the entire roster if desired. Once you made your selections, click Update Roster to make the changes. You can cancel enrollment on selected users. And select the desired updated status from the Status dropdown menu. Click Update Roster when complete. Update for each user as necessary. The session list provides the class roster for the selected class instance. Additional options appear on screen. Using Learning Object - How to find the course roster CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
Enrolling users in courses CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
Using Instructor – Enrolling users in courses You can select to filter by letter and do searches based on the dropdown menu. When finished selecting, press Add Attendees to enroll selected users. You can filter or search for a specific user clicking on the magnifying glass. Clicking on the Add button gives you ability to enroll desired users in the selected instance. You can sort by each field pressing on the triangle icon. Select the desired users you which to enroll. A dialog window opens with a user list. In the Learning Object Tab. Using Instructor – Enrolling users in courses CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
A confirmation message will display a successful enrollment. Using Instructor – Enrolling users in courses CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
Using Instructor – Using Reports To directly export your Report in PDF or EXCEL, select the desired option from the Dropdown menu and click Export Report. When finished adding, click on View Report to view the results of the Report. From this screen, you can print and/or export your report using these buttons. Add the appropriate Report criteria. To generate a Report, click on the desired from the list. The Report Tab list several Instructor specific reports you can generate. Using Instructor – Using Reports CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE
When finished, Click log out. For additional information and a more detailed walkthrough, please refer to our PDF manuals. Accessible through our Help Tab. When finished, don’t forget to log out