You can pick from two different projects You can pick from two different projects. You can create a book or a PowerPoint. You have the rubric for each one. You also have a research sheet to fill out. This and the rubric must be turned in with your project. Use the website I have listed to help you with your project. (you may use more) There are also some books that you can read. I suggest you read all the information
You can create a PowerPoint.
You can create a book
WEBSITES http://www.weatherwizkids.com/ The site is managed by a meteorologist so the information is extremely credible for kids. The site has information on any type of weather you could think of. There are also plenty of interactive games and activities for children to get involved in. She also has lessons that are available for parents or teachers, including some fun experiments!
http://www.weather.com/ Kids will be able to learn the weather in their area, on a website that they can comprehend. There are also games and a page that educates students about the weather they may be experiencing. The site is a kids version of The Weather Channel.
http://skydiary.com/kids/ is a site that kids should look at if they are researching any type of weather. The site goes in depth with information ranging from rainbows to the weather in space! The site also has information on storm chasers and how to forecast the weather. The site does not have games or fun things for kids to play with but it is a very good source for knowledgeable information.
http://www.nssl.noaa.gov/education/svrwx101/ is a great website that tells kids everything they need to know about Tornadoes. The students will learn about the different variations, how they form, and also some myths The site is very informative but it is not kid friendly. There is a lot of reading that would be needed, but it is very detailed.
http://studyjams. scholastic http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/science/weather-and-climate/severe-storms.htm Sever storms are more than just rain, thunder, and lightening.
Books about the weather Go back to Mrs. Pryor’s page and click on the books title.