IEDMS 2017 (Insert) Your Paper Title International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium IEDMS 2017 2018/5/6 (Insert) Your Paper Title Name of all authors (underline the presenting author) Authors’ affiliations Company logo position (optional) Date Month 2017 WECA Company Confidential
Outlines Introduction Variability of Trigate CMOS Devices RDF (Random Dopant Fluctuation) RTN (Random Telegraph Noise) Experimental Measurements Results and Discussion Physical Models Summary and Conclusions
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Introduction – Device Scaling To achieve high performance & low Vth Example 1 2 High mobility and injection velocity: Strained Technology, Ge, III-V, Graphene. Id 3 Better electrostatic control: 3D configurations, ex: multi-gate, nanowire; ultra-thin channel, ex: ultra-thin SOI. Vgs
Summary and Conclusions Length of a regular oral presentation is 15 minutes, including 12-min talk and 3-min Q&A. The success of presentations during the conference depends heavily on the cooperation of all presenters. Please prepare your slides using the template and following the listed instructions. Please save your file into the NB at the venue 24 hours before your presentation. Staff will delete the presentation files from the NB after the end of the session.
Saving Your File Save your file with the name pattern S-P-presenter.ppt S: Session number P: Paper number Example: S3-1-John Smith.ppt (the session and paper numbers can be found from the Program information of the conference website)