UNISEC Universal Influenza Vaccines Secured WP2 Lead & Concept Production WP3 Formulation & Administration WP4 Preclinical Studies & Animal Models WP5 Correlates Of Protection WP1 Coordination & Management WP6 Clinical European Commission Clinical Study Sites WP7 Dissemination & WP8 Ethical Aspects Advisory Board UNISEC has been made possible by contributions from the European Commission DG-Research and the European member states Project Coordinator: Erik Frijlink h.w.frijlink@rug.nl Project Manager: Ed Schmidt e.d.l.schmidt01@umcg.nl
UNISEC Periodic Report -The first period report comprises the activities of the first 18 months -This period is from October 2013 – March 2015 -We have to prepare this report in April 2015
UNISEC Periodic Report The periodic report comprises: -An overview, including a publishable summary, of the progress of work with deliverables and milestones -An explanation of the use of the resources -A financial statement (form C – Annex VI) to the Grant Agreement) from each partner and each third partner together with a summary financial report.
UNISEC Periodic Report Publishable summary Core of the report -Project objectives for the period -Work Progress and achievements for the period -Project Management Deliverables and milestones tables Explanation fo the use of resources (integrated to the forms c) Fianciela statements – forms C and summary financial report Certificates Request by coordinator of next round of EU funding
UNISEC Periodic Report 2. Core of the report -Project objectives for the period -Work Progress and achievements for the period For each work package: Provide an overview of the project objectives for the reporting period as stated in annex 1 of the grant agreement. Provide an overview of the progress of the work in line with The structure of annex 1 of the grant agreement
UNISEC Periodic Report 2. Core of the report -Project objectives for the period -Work Progress and achievements for the period For each work package: -a summary of progress towards objectives and details for each task -Highlight clearly significant results -If applicable, explain the reasons for deviations from annex 1 and their impact on other tasks, resources and planning -If applicable, explain the reasons for failing to achieve critical objectives and explain their impact -A statement on the use of resources -If applicable, propose corrective actions.