The One Stop Shop for Vehicle Autorisation, Safety Certification, and ERTMS Approval First Preview - INNOTRANS 2016 Thierry Breyne
Legal Requirements in 4th Railway Package Agency Regulation – Regulation 2016/796 article 12 Single entry point through which the applicant submits its application files Allow the applicant to select the authority it wished to process its application for area in one MS Provide information to the Agency and to the National Safety Authorities about all applications, the stages and the outcomes of the procedures and, where applicable, the requests and the decision of the Board of Appeal Early warning system identifying the need for coordination between the Agency and the National Safety Authorities
Main Milestones for the OSS Development Agency programme for the implementation of the 4th Railway Package Dependencies with the Practical Arrangements developments – End of 2016 / Agency proposals to the EC for Implementing acts OSS functional and technical specifications to be finalised by April 2017 Adoption of these specifications by the Agency Management Board by September 2017 OSS development (including tests and validation) by May 2018 for test during shadow running
OSS development Roles in VA projects VA Process VA Activity diagram Practical Arrangements OSS Business Requirements
Assessment Activity Diagram
Assessment / Submit Application File
Assessment / Submit Application File Applicant’s registered users must submit all VA/SSC application files through OSS Application file contains an application form and the necessary documentary evidence Application form is electronic; VA and SSC application form templates contain similar and specific sections and fields; OSS will proceed with basic checks of the submitted application form: mandatory fields and valid selection of Authorising Entity (AE) / Safety Certification Body (SCB) Necessary documentary evidence will be files to be uploaded by the applicant; one mapping table will provide an overview of their content with regard to legal obligations (to be discussed in VA workshop) Automatic notification of the acknowledgement of the receipt of the application is sent to the applicant; Directory of contact persons reflects the role of each user in the ‘project’ Early warning system needs further analysis
Assessment / Submit Application File
Assessment / Manage Issues Log
Assessment / Manage Issues Log Any issue relevant to the assessment can be logged in the OSS by PM, AS, AR and DM Each issue has an owner (who creates the issue) and an assignee (who is in charge of resolving the issue); applicant can only see issues assigned to itself Issue is characterized at least by its: Type Description Timeframe for response Extent of area of operation/use Status (eg: open, closed, escalation needed) When the timeframe for the response expires, the owner is notified; when response is given, the issue owner is notified and he evaluates if the response resolves the issue; in the positive case, it changes the status; if not, it can request for more information; artefacts related to an issue are recorded in the issue log In case an assessor marks that an issue needs escalation, the Project Manager is notified; based on its evaluation, it shall inform the applicant of the suspension or the intention to reject the application