Journal: If you had to get a tattoo of something related to Geography, what would you get and why?
Those numbers on Angelina Jolies’ arm Those numbers on Angelina Jolies’ arm? They're the latitude and longitude for where her children were born.
Today’s Objectives: Be able to label and identify coordinates Analyze the world impact of issues within the 5 Themes of Geo
Hemispheres Earth is divided into 2 hemispheres (sections) 5/6/2018 N. America Europe Asia Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Africa Indian Ocean S. America Australia Antarctica
Any location north of the equator is a NORTH LATITUDE 5/6/2018
Any location south of the equator is a SOUTH LATITUDE 5/6/2018 Any location south of the equator is a SOUTH LATITUDE
Any location west of the prime meridian is a 5/6/2018 Any location west of the prime meridian is a WEST LONGITUDE
Any location east of the prime meridian is an EAST LONGITUDE 5/6/2018 Any location east of the prime meridian is an EAST LONGITUDE
We can divide the Earth into quadrants: North East 5/6/2018 We can divide the Earth into quadrants: North East
Organizing Land All of the Earth’s land in the 4 hemispheres is organized into 7 continents Touch on organizing the oceans How many nations (countries) are there? 258
Organizing the Globe Any location on Earth can be described by two numbers--its latitude and its longitude.
Latitude and Longitude "coordinates" -the intersections of latitude and longitude Ex: 23°N, 67°E Coordinates of latitude and longitude are measured in degrees. A degree is about 69 miles apart
Latitude Lines of latitude are drawn left to right 5/6/2018 Lines of latitude are drawn left to right measure places north and south of the equator (0° latitude). Lines of latitude run from 0° to 90° On a globe of the Earth, lines of latitude are circles of different size. The longest is the equator, whose latitude is zero, while at the poles--at latitudes 90° north and 90° south (or -90°) the circles shrink to a point. Portuguese map-maker Pedro Reinel first drew latitude scale on the prime meridian (starting point for measuring longitude) in 1506. By the 1520s Portuguese experts realized that the scientific precision equal to that they had achieved in fixing latitude could only be approximated in establishing longitude. Only a sufficiently accurate clock would finally solve the problem, they said. Until such a time, they suggested a variety of ways of estimating the difference in time between the starting point (prime meridian) and where they were, including the path of the solar eclipse.
Remember Latitude: A latitude “latter” “Lat is Flat” Rungs on a ladder run left to right, but they help you move north and south (up and down), just like degrees of latitude! “Lat is Flat”
Latitude There are two lines of latitude that are very important to Geographers: Called tropics – places on the earth that receive the most heat from the sun. The Tropic of Cancer at 23½˚ N The Tropic of Capricorn at 23½˚S Understand “tropical rainforests”? Or a tropical destination?
Longitude Lines of longitude run from 0° to 180° 5/6/2018 -Lines of longitude are drawn top to bottom -Measure places east and west of the Prime Meridian (0° longitude). EX: 54° N, 160° W The Prime Meridian runs through Greenwich, England Lines of longitude run from 0° to 180° Zero longitude was first located in the Portuguese Madeira Islands (indicated by the red-and-blue-flag). For the next 300+ years the world calculated longitude from Portuguese islands. Even as their sea-power waned, Portugal's prime meridian remained the world standard until the English achieved dominance during the nineteenth century. As nautical charts increasingly became produced in England sailors began to use both Portuguese and English standards. In 1884 a European conference narrowly ratified the placement of the prime meridian in Greenwich England. 1765
Longitude vs. Latitude Latitude -Starts at 0° (the equator) Longitude -right to left -It never goes higher in degrees than 90° Longitude -Starts at 0° (the prime meridian) -up and down -It never goes higher in degrees than 180° Angles that form Coordinates
Writing Latitude and Longitude: RULES 5/6/2018 All degrees must have a coordinate to give you direction: N,S,E,W to tell you which hemisphere to look in. Latitude will always have either North or South written before the degree Longitude will always have either East or West before the degree Latitude is always written first, then Longitude On map, tell me St. Petersburg Russia = 60N lat, 30E long New Orleans 30N lat, 90W long
5/6/2018 180° 180° 90° 0° 0° 90°
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This measures areas north or south of the equator… Longitude Miles Latitude Tropics
The measurements of latitude and longitude are always measured in Angles Coordinates Degrees Inches
What is the hottest place on Earth due to direct sunlight? Tropics Prime Meridian California South
The coordinate 110° can only be describing… The Western Hemisphere Longitude The Eastern Hemisphere Latitude
What is the line of 0° longitude called? Equator Parallel Capricorn Prime Meridian