Presentation of preliminary results
Some considerations A lot of information What have we done so far Language challenges Limitations of the presentation How to use the results/report Bruk av rapporten: Kommer i mai ikke oppskrift/sannhet vår tolkning med perspektiver basert på vår teoretiske forståelse Har brukt/vil bruke fortett mening som metode for å tolke – ikke fulltranskribert Sannsynligvis mer spm enn svar (for begge parter)
Some positive impressions All together a positive impression of the assessment of the children A positive impression of the children`s value as a individual A positive impression of the contact with parents A positive impression of how parents get regular information about the children A positive impression of the teachers possibility to gain new knowledge Systematikken i vurderingen
Do the kindergartens have a systematic assessment for all the children? Do the kindergarten have a system for assessment in the their plans? Yes The assessment varies according to the children`s age Do the kindergarten`s have a system for documenting the assessment? This is done in different ways . Charts/tables are important Do the kindergarten`s system for assessment lead to specific, realistic plans? But the respondents varied on how they did this Question: how do we know that?
T Do the kindergartens have a systematic assessment for all the children? -2 Is the kindergarten management active in developing child assessment YES/ NO The development of child assessment happens in group meetings The kindergartens differs in if the management take active part in the groups or not Do the teachers have a mutual understanding of child assessment? JA! The kindergartens many discussion about child assessment shows this. As a teacher in kindergarten you must have an education, also in the topic of assessment NO Differences in descriptions (development plan) Experienced teachers X new teachers What about discussions across groups? If the management do not take part in the groups, in what way do the management get to know information assessment developing in the kindergarten? How structured are these discussions? Are you able to focus on what new research says about this topic? What are the differences? How do you use these differences? Experiences both ways?
Do the kindergartens have a systematic assessment for all the children Is there a systematic sharing of experience regarding child assessment? The sharing of experience regarding assessment do take place in both kindergartens. It seems to be a difference in the answers in the understanding of whom get to see what information about a child. When you share experiences, do you discuss what the child IS or what it DOES?
Does the kindergarten carry out regular tests to assess the The kindergarten has a good view of the children's academic and personal development Does the kindergarten carry out regular tests to assess the children's level of achievement? Test/activities /observation to measure development Development chart Is assessment carried out to give each child a better learning? Yes It seems to us to be a difference in the two kindergartens in; who and how many should be responsible for the result of the assessment. At this point we have noticed a healthy view of testing At this point we can tell very little on how assessment is used to give better learning?
The teachers have a good dialog with the children. Do the teachers consider the children`s meanings when planning the lessons? YES – this is underlined as important Question: In what way do they consider the children`s meaning? Are the children given a clear response to their work? YES – especially on what they do right Question: how is a clear response given when the children do something that are not correct
The teachers have a good dialog with the children - 2 Does the teacher consider the children's meanings when planning the teaching? Find out, in different ways, what do the child like: talk with child, talk with parents, observation Child can choose activities Are the children given a clear response to their work (what is good, what can be better)? All the time Positive feedback Dialog Corrects with: role play and model learning
The teachers have a good dialog with the children - 3 Is the children's work continuously assessed? Yes No In what way can children’s assessment make children more motivated? We must think more of why we assess Formative assessment give motivation Could there be a different understanding in what lies in the word assessment? A different culture of assessment? Formative: not formal, comments, running assessmnet
The teachers have a good dialog with parents about their children`s development How often do the teachers meet the parents? Depending on the need for contact In general: often Question: how do parents experience these meetings? Are the meetings planed and structured? Varies, depends on the intension with the meeting Do the meetings end with a summery where the parents can participate in making new learning goals? Yes Question: how strong is the parents involvement/influence? SJEKK OM BARNA DELTAR
The teachers have a good dialog with parents about their children`s development - 2 Are the parents familiar with the kindergarten of assessing and documenting? Almost all the respondents says yes Questions: how would the parents answer this question? Do the parents get regular information about the student`s results, progress and development? Yes! Are done in different ways – mostly through conversations Question: do all parents agree on this/how do the parents experience the way they receive the information?
The kindergarten as a learning organization Is the staff are open to changes? Yes Does the management give possibilities for exchanging experiences and reflections? Courses/seminars/congresses Meetings Open activities Does the management engage in the development-work? The management supports us Listen Are open Give possibilities for new knowledge for the teachers Who doesn’t want to be changeable? But we know we do like predictability too… You tell us were does the management give you the possibilities – not so much how? Open activities – how often is that The staff in the kindergarten expresses that the management do engage…. How does management use the informatin they gain in their engagement and spred it throughout the organisation?
The kindergarten as a learning organization - 2 Does the management know in which way lessons are accomplished (use of methods and strategies)? Management do observation of lessons It seems to be a difference in the to kindergartens in how the management give possibilities or responsibilities to the teachers, in giving information about their methods and strategies. Does the management encourage competence development of the teachers? Yes Focus on new knowledge gaining for teachers in different ways (courses).
The kindergarten as a learning organization - 3 Cooperation between teachers Yes (all) In courses Discussions Group X Hole school
Rules and handling of rules Do teacher`s know the rules of the kindergarten? YES Do teacher`s feel that they are engaged in the development of the rules? YES! How many rules do the kindergartens have? In general; less than 10 A majority says they have own rules in their groups Do they think that the children are engaged in the development of the rules? The respondents that answered said that they involve the biggest children Question; in what way are the rules being introduced to the children?
Rules and handling of rules - 2 Do the teacher`s agree on what is not accepted behavior? Almost everybody says teachers do agree on this Question: how do the teachers define what is not accepted behavior? Do teachers think that they react in the same way if a child breaks a rule? A majority says teachers react in the same way A minority says teacher`s don’t react in the same way/don’t know Question: is this possible? How would the children answers this question? DISKUTERE MED JANNE/NINA
Rules and handling of rules - 3 Do teachers experience behavior problems in their groups? The answers are divided in three groups; No: 40 % Sometimes; 40 % Yes: 20 % Question: what is considered being behavior problems? Do teachers think that behavior problems is one of the biggest challenges of being a teacher? The respondents are divided A small majority says that it`s a big challenge Question: how do teachers understand behavior problems? SJEKKE SISTE SPM PÅ NYTT
Relations Is it important for teachers to have a good relation to their children? YES Almost all the respondents underlined the importance of a good relation Question; does it apply for all the children How do teacher`s make good relations with the children? The answers differs . Taking the children`s perspective most common Some vagueness regarding how to establish a positive relation Question: it just happens or are teachers aware of how they do it?
Relations - 2 In what way do teachers take an interest in the student`s activities inside and outside the school? Most common response is to talk with the children or/and the parents Question: how would the parents answer this question/does it apply for all the children? Do teacher`s use positive feedback to strengthen the relations to the children? Yes REF Bourdieu – spør vi de vi liker?
Relations - 3 Do teacher`s have strategies for teaching the children social skills? In general: yes They use different strategies Role playing Being a good role model Specific training Question: Is there a need for a more common strategy that teachers can use?
Some considerations about the use of the rapport…. Our questions so far (and the report) are of no value alone. It’s the work you do, with our assumptions in mind, that can make a difference. Bring up our questions from the rapport in you're organization! Choose some of the question and discuss them.
Some considerations about the use of the rapport…. Think about who should discuss with whom. Remember that people who often work together, tend to agree very fast. How can you share the results of the discussions ? How can the results of you're discussions lead to possible changes? Learning in individuals and organizations can happen only when reasons for these changes are put on the table, discussed and accepted.