This presentation highlights An overview of participatory mapping processes used by the project to engage with rural communities, Lessons learned while engaging with different stakeholders at project pilot sites March 22, 2017
LAND TENURE PROJECT BACKGROUND USAID TGCC program, locally known as Land Tenure Project (2013-2017) Supported development of the National Land Use Policy (NLUP) which was endorsed by government in January 2016 Support informed public participation via educational materials and pilot implementation Test the policy in practice at pilot sites in rural communities using participatory mapping approach Document lessons learned from pilot sites to inform stronger legal development and policy implementation March 22, 2017
WHERE WE WORK Pilot Site One –Western Bago Region, Tharyarwaddy District, Minhla Township, Yway Gone Village Tract – Four Villages Pilot Site Two – Southern Shan State, Taungyi District, Nyaung Shwe Township, Let Maung Kway Village Tract –Eight Villages March 22, 2017
HOW WE WORK Project engages with Local Government/Authorities Civil Society Organizations Project Pilot Sites Communities Land Tenure Project Land Tenure Project Land Tenure Project Land Tenure Project March 22, 2017
Participatory Mapping Approach KHIN MYAT MOE Participatory Mapping Approach March 22, 2017
Community Tenure and Land Use Assessment Community Sensitization Land Tenure Project Land Tenure Project Output: Communities understand project objectives Output: Documented, detailed understanding of natural resource and land use in the pilot site area March 22, 2017
Spatial Awareness Exercises Land Tenure Project Land Tenure Project Output: Draft village boundary from community perspective March 22, 2017
Boundary Walk with Local Community Members Land Tenure Project Land Tenure Project Output: Field-verified, community-led village boundary March 22, 2017
Land Use Inventory Using Mobile Mapping Tools Output: Detailed understanding of land uses within pilot site area March 22, 2017
Output: Map of Pilot Site 2 Output: A Village Folio Mapping Outputs Output: Map of Pilot Site 2 Output: A Village Folio March 22, 2017
Sharing Information and Communicating with Stakeholders Land Tenure Project Land Tenure Project U Ngwa Thein Output: Mapping process outputs are shared with local government stakeholders in order to provide better land-related services at the community level March 22, 2017
Community Resource Folio Event Land Tenure Project Land Tenure Project What next? Project is now engaging with different stakeholders in order to provide results of field work towards stronger policy development March 22, 2017
PILOT SITE LESSONS LEARNED Local Government Authorities Civil Society Organizations Project Pilot Site Communities Land Tenure Project March 22, 2017
ENGAGING WITH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES Key Challenges Building trust and gaining buy in from local government authorities to conduct fieldwork Difficulty in bringing all branches of government into meetings, partially due to different interests Remedies for New Pilot Sites At township level, build close and frequent communications channels Consult with local authorities to identify initial concerns, information on the area Early collective engagement with all authorities in the same room is helpful Land Tenure Project March 22, 2017
ENGAGING WITH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES Land Tenure Project Key Challenge Limited awareness of National Land Use Policy and other relevant laws/polices at township level Remedies for New Pilot Sites Assess the level of knowledge, needs, provide capacity building services as appropriate March 22, 2017
ENGAGING WITH LOCAL CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS Key Challenges Identification of local CSO partner that has experience, capacity and legitimacy CSO partners lack sustained financing mechanisms Remedies for New Pilot Sites Assess the level of knowledge and needs, provide capacity building services as appropriate Design a long-term contractual relationship with the CSO organization Land Tenure Project March 22, 2017
ENGAGING WITH PILOT SITE COMMUNITIES Key Challenges Initial suspicion of the project Lack of understanding of project purpose and objectives during early engagement Engagement with a project focused on law/policy is a first time experience After completing participatory mapping, communities request additional support; feel left half way through a process Remedies for New Pilot Sites Improve sensitization process by making it more in depth, include elders and key community members in a mass meeting to clearly explain activities and their purpose Set expectations clearly Highlight needs and concerns of the community throughout activities Land Tenure Project March 22, 2017
MOVING FORWARD Working with four civil society organizations to apply lessons learned while testing participatory mapping approach Further testing of participatory mapping approach at a third pilot site More in depth engagement with stakeholders Enhanced sensitization and outreach with communities Contribute lessons learned to policy development Land Tenure Project March 22, 2017
THANK YOU! Myat Thu Aung MyatThu.Aung@tetratech.com Land Tenure Project THANK YOU! Myat Thu Aung MyatThu.Aung@tetratech.com March 22, 2017