The overall classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED Identity Operations In Maritime Interdiction From: United States European Command Speaker: David Wikoff ECJ2S-I 49-711-680-2715 NATO does not do MIO. The overall classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED
Identity Operations: Definition The process that support the identification of individuals based on the fusion of measurable identity, forensics and DOMEX with HUMINT, SIGINT, and other Intelligence disciplines. Identity Operations DOMEX Forensics Measures identity All Source Note: DOMEX management may misperceive see this to mean that are being identified separate from HUMINT. Law Enforcement Intelligence
The MIO Mission link to Identity Operations MIO Purpose: Interdict Illegal Activity In The Maritime Environment Examples Terrorism Piracy Drug Smuggling Human Smuggling Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction MAY 2008 NOV 2004 Same person. Attack the Network identifies the bad guys & organizational relationships within enemy networks. Tool: Identity Operations
The overall classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED With an old science Drawings & Verbal Descriptions Photographs Internet Fingerprint Identification 21st Century 20th Century 17th Century Technology Advancement for Counter Piracy Identity Operations is no exception. Wanted posters from the 17th century were used to identify individuals the best way they could. This meant a drawing of the persons identity and written descriptions of characteristics. (scars, limps, stutters, wandering eye). In early history, site exploitation involved the exploitation of documents, people, and information left behind such as footprints, or residue of materials used to make explosives. Today, the documents are often on media or cell phones. Science has given us technology to identify more forensic information, more accurately, and more quickly than we had in the 17th century. The identification of people was made more accurate by the invention of the camera, but there were major concerns about human rights because the camera was thought to steal a persons soul. Although pictures of people made identification more accurate it was still not perfect. Numerous people have been wrongfully identified in pictures, and guards who look at hundreds or thousands of photographs can only make a best guess about the accuracy of photograph. Eventually, people became comfortable with having their picture taken and today we still use the accuracy of fingerprints but technology allows us to use them more broadly for the same mission set . Collectively, Identity Operations has experienced many developments and will continue to be developed because it is critical to our safety – on an individual level, community level, and national security level. The overall classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED 4
Identity Operations Around the World United Nations (UN) and European Commission’s Humanitarian Office (ECHO) 4 Million Dollars to create a Biometric data base for refugees. Purpose is to help define registration status, rights, gain humanitarian aid and gain employment. International Security Assistance Force (ISAF): Nations within ISAF are currently conducted ID Ops to identify nefarious actors, vetting locally employed persons, force protection, and humanitarian assistance Interpol, Europol, and Local Law Enforcement: Long history of leveraging Identity Operations to identify suspects, witnesses, and victims. Private Industry : access control, theme parks, airports, computer security, banking India: Government intends to biometrically enroll everyone, and use it for government services, banking, and welfare benefits. ECHO/UN reference: India: “India officially launched the world's most ambitious biometrics project: assigning a unique 12-digit number to each of the country's 1.2 billion people; the project, which seeks to collect fingerprint and iris scans from all residents and store them in a massive central database of unique IDs, is considered by many specialists the most technologically and logistically complex national identification effort ever attempted; the government says unique ID numbers will help ensure that government welfare spending reaches the right people, and will allow hundreds of millions of poor Indians to access services like banking for the first time”
Identity Operations Enabled Watchlist UNCLASSIFIED Identity Operations Process Collect Store & Match Analyze Action NATO INTERPOL Partner Nations Identify real identity Identify background Intelligence fusion Identify Associates Identity Operations Enabled Watchlist Refuse Access Detain & Arrest Exploit Further Do Not Train Prosecute Do Not Hire Track Movement Reveal Past TTP’s DOMEX FORENSICS IDENTITY - Prints - IRIS Image - Facial Image UNCLASSIFIED
Historical Records / Databases / Sharing UNCLASSIFIED Identity Operations Collection (3 Types) Live Collection Forensic Collection Historical Records / Databases / Sharing Media reference UNCLASS: UNCLASSIFIED
Collection during MIO From People Forensics DOMEX Collection Devices Fingerprint Cards Pictures of Faces Forensics Dusting for prints/Swabbing for DNA Testing residue for drugs or explosives Collecting items for further processing DOMEX Voice / facial images Useful information Manifest Note: NCIS teaches fingerprint card printing at NATO School Already. DOMEX is in the other NATO Course for MIO Counter Trafficking (ref Chris Kay)
EUCOM Transmit / Share Challenges From Remote Sites Wireless communication Hand carry to a hardwire connect Image data, hand carry, & transmit (Example: Fingerprint cards) Methods for moving data can be done according to unit SOP and physical capability. The most common options are through wireless reachback, handcarry to the mothership, or hand carry to mothership for further processing of material and then transfer data – such as a fingerprint card that needs to be scanned at certain Operations before being transmitted.
Intelligence Feedback C3PO Portal Concept: Provides critical pre-planning information Tracks previous encounters Provides previous encounter information Supports interdiction while on the suspect vessel The data moves from the site or mother ship to databases. The databases that are searched are based on host nation policy and agreements. Realtime feedback constraints are driven by policy, agreements, physical capability to move data, ability to analyze information and move back to the team within short time frames. The creation of portals will help with this during NATO operations. ISIS & C3PO are two developing portals which will allow for NATO MIO teams to move data and distribute it for searching and actionable feedback while preparing for a mission or while actually on the vessel. Intelligence Feedback Provided
Sharing With Managing Caveats Example Data Sources: Foreign Partner Military US Interagency Foreign Law Enforcement Europol Interpol Example Caveats Differing Data Types Shared Distribution constraints Storage Time Constraints Authorized Store, Match, Sharing Watchlist Data Methods for moving data can be done according to unit SOP and physical capability. The most common options are through wireless reachback, handcarry to the mothership, or hand carry to mothership for further processing of material and then transfer data – such as a fingerprint card that needs to be scanned at certain Operations before being transmitted. Case Numbers Biometric data Case Numbers Biographic Data Biographic Data
WATCHLISTING (WL) WL is a force multiplier UNCLASSIFIED WATCHLISTING (WL) WL is a force multiplier Increases fidelity of security Increases effectiveness of each MIO Prevents Fraud Is there a sharable equivalent in DOMEX? UNCLASSIFIED
The overall classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED Watchlisting (WL) WatchlistING (WL): list of Persons of Interest (POI), identified by a measurable life characteristics and biographic characteristics. A WL is a force multiplier. Sample WL Tiers / Categories Tier 1 – Detain Tier 2 - Question Tier 3 – Assess Tier 4 – Do not hire / no access Tier 5 – Deny Access Tier 6 - Track What about DOMEX equivalent? (Unclass) NO. Biographic based biometric enabled watchlist (Dalton’s direction) The overall classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED
EUCOM TRAINING Collection Identity Intelligence Awareness Leader Development Computer Based
Status of NATO Biometrics Doctrine
ACO Biometrics: BACKGROUND NATO UNCLASSIFIED ACO Biometrics: BACKGROUND NATO Concept of Biometrics in Support of Operations (Framework) 2009 (NOV) – VNC Biometrics Action Officer Position Established (USA) 2010 (MAY) – ACO Biometrics Working Group, Belgium 2011 (MAY) – ACO Biometrics Panel, Spain 2011 (DEC) – NATO Concept of Biometrics (Draft) Reviewed with NATO BF COI (133 members) 2012 (MAR) – NATO Concept of Biometrics Staffed at ACO & Endorsed by GEN Lange, SHAPE COS 2012 (MAY) – NATO HQ International Military Staff Endorses Concept Sent to Nations through Military Commitee (Comments Due 31 May 2012) NATO UNCLASSIFIED 17
NATO Biometrics Policy: UPDATE NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO Biometrics Policy: UPDATE NATO Concept of Biometrics in Support of Operations (Framework) Endorsed by the IMS and sent to Nations for Endorsement by MC (JUN) If endorsed, then the following gain momentum: Allied Joint Publication (AJP) 3.x (Doctrine) NATO Biometrics Architecture (Concept) Automated Compliance Verification System Federated NATO BIAR production & BEWL Operations STANAG 4715 (Biometrics Technical Standardization) Developed in NATO MASINT WG In Staffing at NSA NATO UNCLASSIFIED 18
Coordination Efforts: 28 NATO National MoD/DoD NATO UNCLASSIFIED Coordination Efforts: 28 NATO National MoD/DoD Albania Belgium Bulgaria Canada Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Turkey United Kingdom United States POC: NATO UNCLASSIFIED 19
Questions ? Points of Contact EUCOM J2S-I Office UNCLASSIFIED Questions ? Points of Contact EUCOM J2S-I Office Commercial Tel: 49.711.680.2715 EMAIL: If there are further questions about Biometrics, or how you can further your biometric capability please contact the EUCOM Biometric Office. Mention UNCLASSIFIED