Geologic Resources Class 1 of 1 Chapter 5 Geologic Resources Class 1 of 1
Science Quote "The only true wisdom consists in knowing that you know nothing” – Socrates Fabiola Meza
Geologic Resources Mineral Resources ( Metallic and Non Metallic) Energy Resources (Coal, Oil, Gas, Uranium)
5.1 Mineral Resources
Question Of the Day Is Drinking water a geologic resource ? Project worth 3 Questions of the Day due next Monday ( we are going to save water) How ? We are going to add a Litter or 2 litters to at least one (toilet) in your House. Convert-Any-Toilet-to-a-Low-Flush-Toilet For credit take a picture with you in it ! Take a picture of it and bring it Next Monday
5.2 Ore and Ore Deposits Magmatic processes Hydrothermal Processes Manganese Nodules Sedimentary Processes Weathering Processes
Magmatic processes South Africa Bushveld Intrusion Pluton is 375 km by 300 km 7 Km Thick 20 Billion tons Chromium 10 Billions grams of platinum Another Example : largest Nickel deposit in the World Canada “Mafic Pluton “ Sudbury, Ontario
Hydrothermal Processes
Manganese Nodules Sedimentary Process
5.3 Mineral Reserves The amount of ore in the ground Global or National Scale Example In 1966 global Iron reserves 5 Billion tons Consumption 280 million tons per Year 18 Years we should run of Iron by 1984
Geopolitics of Metal Resources Minerals resources are unevenly distributed and no single nation is self sufficient in all minerals. Zambia and Democratic republic of Congo half of Worlds cobalt Al U.S consumes 30 % of the world (Australia and Guinea) United States, Russia, South Africa, Canada, Australia Japan
5.4 Mines and Mining Underground Mine vs. Surface mine U.S. Surface mining control and Reclamation Act requires mining companies restore mined land so it can be used for the same purposes Mining metal ores or coal, also creates huge pile of waste rock, the piles are not treated properly, rain erode the loose rock and leaches toxic elements such Arsenic, sulfur, heavy metals,
5.8 Energy resources (Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas) Fossil fuels Why ? They formed from the remains of plants, and animals Fossils fuel are Nonrenewable and unrecyclable Coal Large quantities of coal formed worldwide during Carboniferous period
Petroleum First commercial oil well in the U.S 1859 Crude oil is pump from the ground is a gooey viscous, dark liquid made of thousands chemical compounds. It is refine to produce: propane, gasoline, heating oil and other fuels, it is also used to manufacture plastics, nylon.
Formation of Petroleum Oil Temperature of 80°C to 100°C Gas above 100°C to 140 °C
Oil traps
5.6 Tar Sands, Oil Shale Tar sands Oil like substance “ Bitumen” Oil Shale “Kerogen”
5.7 Energy Resources: Renewable Energy Solar Energy Wind Energy Geothermal Energy Hydroelectric Energy Biomass Energy Limitations
5.8 Nuclear Fuels and Reactors
5.9 Conservation as an Alternative Energy Resource Buildings (39%) (Residential and commercial) 22% of the Electricity in US is for lighting Fluorescent bulb ¼ the energy of incandescent Industry (33%) Transportation (28%)
Pareto Chart
5.10 Energy for the 21Centrury
5.10 Energy for the 21Centrury