Towards a Skilled & Capable Public Service through Preferred Strategic Partnerships
Presentation Outline Objectives Identified Skills Gaps Priority Areas Policy, Criteria & Guidelines Key Development Imperatives Cutting Edge Skills for Quality Public Services
BRIEF BACKGROUND The PSETA SSP identified skills gaps in the following areas: Professional and Technical Skills Middle and Senior Management Skills Financial, Procurement and Contract Management Skills Human Resources Management/Development Employability of Graduates Alternative Training Methods (E-learning) Cutting Edge Skills for Quality Public Services
BRIEF BACKGROUND Professional and Technical Skills There is a need for more personnel to take up positions in technical and professional occupations, including artisan posts especially technical skills needed to support infrastructure development and maintenance. There is a need to also improve the skills of already employed artisans (changing technology) PSETA is partnering with appropriate organisations to help address these shortages, especially where such partnerships help address the managerial competencies of professionals in management positions (for example build environment specialists managing large infrastructure projects) Cutting Edge Skills for Quality Public Services
BRIEF BACKGROUND Middle and Senior Management Skills There are competency gaps in middle and senior management in the Public Service (MMS and SMS) specifically in manager’s ability to develop operational plans, systems and monitoring tools to effect strategic priorities set at the senior administrative and executive level. These competency gaps have knock-on effects for basic administrative systems (e.g. accurate record keeping and archival skills etc.) Financial, Procurement and Contract Management There are competency gaps and skills shortages in public financial management in general and a need to improve the competencies of staff in strategic procurement and contract management in particular.
BRIEF BACKGROUND Human Resources Management/Development There are competency gaps in HRM (resource planning, recruitment and so forth) and HRD (in supporting strategic skills development and retention of experienced and skilled staff) The call for the public service to act as a training spaces requires improved competencies in HR and in management in general to support work integrated learning, internships and mentoring.
BRIEF BACKGROUND Employability of Graduates PSETA to implement recommendations in the White Paper for Post School education and Training by strengthening the relationship between universities and employers in the sector. PSETA must pay particular focus in encouraging employers in the sector to expand workplace training opportunities especially in areas where qualifications or professional registration depends on practical workplace experience must be a particular area of focus
Key Skills Priority Actions identified in the SSP Priority 1: Establishing strategic partnerships with key departments Priority 2: Improving the capacity of state training and learning institutions in the sector Priority 3: Focus on workplace based learning to lead the making of the workplace a training space Priority 4: Delivery of training through alternative, cost effective and efficient mechanisms Cutting Edge Skills for Quality Public Services
Budget Breakdown for KZN Province PROGRAMME BUDGET BREAKDOWN APPROXIMATE BUDGET Umfolozi TVET Majuba TVET The Moses Kotane Institute National Certificate: Public Administration (Procurement) (50060) (50 unemployed learners) 161 credits R53 785 per learner R29 785 (provider fees) R24 000 learner stipend R2 689 250 HRD Occupations So, the aims of this session are [follow slide]. Explaining what a RP is and why we have developed one. We will explore the importance of good file titling to good records management. We’ll see that a good system for titling files for can make all the difference – especially when you are trying to find a file. We look, in general terms, at the various functions government departments perform. We’ll see that some functions are common to most, if not all, and that many functions are limited to certain departments. Introduce the PARBICA model File Plan We then look closely at the Tuvalu Government Filing Manual We’ll do some activities to help you understand how the File Plan works and hear from a ministry that has used it. Finally, we’ll talk about how you could use what we cover this afternoon – ideas for developing the manual or your other existing tools. During this process, your role is to learn how the guideline is relevant to your circumstances and think about how the resulting Tuvalu Government Filing Manual will be used in your office.
KZN Budget Breakdown Cont… STRATEGIC PARTNERS BUDGET BREAKDOWN APPROXIMATE BUDGET Public Service Project Management R5 200 per learner training costs: Training Material Assessments Moderation Stationery Training Venue Catering for the duration of the training R260 000 Monitoring & Evaluation (20 credits) US: 337059 & 337063 R4 000 per learner training costs R184 000 HRD Occupations So, the aims of this session are [follow slide]. Explaining what a RP is and why we have developed one. We will explore the importance of good file titling to good records management. We’ll see that a good system for titling files for can make all the difference – especially when you are trying to find a file. We look, in general terms, at the various functions government departments perform. We’ll see that some functions are common to most, if not all, and that many functions are limited to certain departments. Introduce the PARBICA model File Plan We then look closely at the Tuvalu Government Filing Manual We’ll do some activities to help you understand how the File Plan works and hear from a ministry that has used it. Finally, we’ll talk about how you could use what we cover this afternoon – ideas for developing the manual or your other existing tools. During this process, your role is to learn how the guideline is relevant to your circumstances and think about how the resulting Tuvalu Government Filing Manual will be used in your office.
R3 133 250 Background Approximate total grant for Kwa Zulu Natal Cutting Edge Skills for Quality Public Services
Expectations from each partner STRATEGIC PARTNERS PROGRAMME ROLES IN RELATION TO PROPOSAL Umfolozi TVET Majuba TVET The Moses Kotane Institute The Justice College NSG National Certificate: Public Administration (Procurement) (50060) (50 unemployed learners) 161 credits Submit Proposal provided that it is accredited with PSETA for the unit standards in question Public Service Project Management (50) Monitoring & Evaluation (46) HRD Occupations So, the aims of this session are [follow slide]. Explaining what a RP is and why we have developed one. We will explore the importance of good file titling to good records management. We’ll see that a good system for titling files for can make all the difference – especially when you are trying to find a file. We look, in general terms, at the various functions government departments perform. We’ll see that some functions are common to most, if not all, and that many functions are limited to certain departments. Introduce the PARBICA model File Plan We then look closely at the Tuvalu Government Filing Manual We’ll do some activities to help you understand how the File Plan works and hear from a ministry that has used it. Finally, we’ll talk about how you could use what we cover this afternoon – ideas for developing the manual or your other existing tools. During this process, your role is to learn how the guideline is relevant to your circumstances and think about how the resulting Tuvalu Government Filing Manual will be used in your office.
Roles of Preferred Strategic Partners Programme Academies & TVETs/ & Justice Academy OTPs Provincial Departments Skills Programmes Submit proposal to PSETA Must be accredited for all the unit standards in the skills programme Enter into an MoA with PSETA Provide Training Venue and catering, Conduct training, assessments & moderation Enter into MoU’s with PSETA Coordinate the nomination of workers and the selection and recruitment of unemployed learners Coordinate the signing of learner commitment forms Coordinate the placement of unemployed learners within provincial departments Enter into employment contracts with unemployed learners Lead the project steering committee Release workers to attend training, Learner travel costs to training venue Provide learners with mentoring and coaching Manage learner workplace attendance Learnership Submit Proposal to PSETA Must be accredited for all the unit standards in the learnership Pay learner stipends Cutting Edge Skills for Quality Public Services
Key Development Imperatives The PSETA funding framework is guided by, and measured against the seven NSDS III key development imperatives Stakeholders should, in recruitment and selection of learners adhere to the following equity targets: Black - 85% Women - 54% PWD - 4% PSETA funding, especially for the unemployed youth is biased towards the provision of skills for rural development Cutting Edge Skills for Quality Public Services
Application Form and Proposal Template Discretionary Grant Application Form Cutting Edge Skills for Quality Public Services
Application Requirements Each project should have a separate signed application form Applicants must submit 1 original and 3 copies of sealed proposals. The due date for submission is 30 June 2017 at 16h00 No late applications will be considered. Applications must clearly be marked as “Discretionary Grants Application” in the visible area in the proposal envelop/pack. Hard copies of grant applications must be delivered to 353 Festival Road, Hatfield 0028 Pretoria by close of business The box is made available at the main entrance of PSETA All applicants must ensure that the submission register is signed by their messenger. PSETA will not take responsibility for missing proposals where the register was not signed. No application will be accepted if it is not deposited in the proposal box by the deadline. Only hand delivery or courier will be accepted. It is the applicant’s obligation to ensure the document is submitted to the correct physical address and physical proof (delivery note of sending the specified document via hand delivery or courier) is retained. Cutting Edge Skills for Quality Public Services