Stewardship at the Local Church By Mario Niño, DMin. INSTITUTE OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES 2015-2020
Analysis of the Environment 1) There are structural changes in the world which have been brought about by the advancement of scientific knowledge and technology. The church recognizes this situation and offers a serious plan which responds to the needs of the people.
Analysis of the Environment 2) Secularism has not been the answer. There are many who have achieved an academic title, a good professional job, and an elevated social position, and nevertheless feel an emptiness in their lives. Material possessions have not satisfied all the needs of the human being.
Analysis of the Environment 3) People are spiritually thirsty and wish to have answers for all their questions on spiritual things. This is not the time to present entertaining programs on spiritual and religious themes.
Analysis of the Environment 4) The spiritual interest of the people is not in Christianity as a religion, or particularly in a church and its mission. The spiritual interest lies in the desire to know God: Who is He? What is He? And to define: Who am I, and why am I here?
Opportunity for the Church A new interest in religion has awakened in the world. People are looking for a church where they can find God. And many times they find: jokes, promotions, threats, and scoldings.
Opportunity for the Church When people go to a restaurant, they expect to find a meal. When people go to a concert, they expect to find music. When people go to church, the expect to find a spiritual atmosphere. When this is not found, they are disappointed and continue looking in other places until they finally find something that satisfies them.
Internal Analysis On the other hand, since the church forms part of the economic system of the world, what happens in the economic world affects the ecclesiastical agenda. A survey has shown that financial matters are going to consume more and more time of religious institutions boards and of its leaders.
Internal Analysis Nevertheless, the members are have little interest in the operating budgets. For them, the motivation is in Bible study, missionary projection, and the evangelization of the church. They take for granted that the church has adequate financial management.
What can we do? It requires us to place the world of church boards and the world of the members inside the framework of the reality of the church. It is necessary to promote stewardship through a program of spiritual revival. In reality it is the only way to obtain consistent results in a local church.
What should be done? The leader of the revival must have a knowlege of: 1. The history of the church 2. The teachings of the church 3. The mission of the church 4. The organizational structure 5. The system of government 6. The financial system of the church, and 7. The ability to motivate and promote.
Do we know our History? 1. Millerite Revival 1830-1844. 2. Doctrinal Development 1844-1848. 3. Organizational Development 1848-1863. 4. Institutional Development 1863-1888. 5. Expansion and Revival 1888-1900. 6. Reorganization and Crisis 1901-1910. 7. World Expansion 1910-1955.
An Environment based on Spiritual Revival “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this must be our first work.” 22 Mar. 1887 – C.S., p. 41. Revival and reformation are two different things. Revival signifies a renewal of spiritual life…..… Reformation signifies a reorganization, a change in ideas and theories. 1 – S. M., p.128.
5. Steps in Spiritual Revival 1. Officers & Committees 2. Priorities 3. Strategies 4. Annual Program 5. Implementation & Evaluation.
Step # 1: Leaders The election of the leaders depends on the size of the church and the availability of talents. It is necessary to train the leaders so that they have a good knowledge of what they must do. The Church Manual has the necessary information.
Step 2: Priorities Analyze the Mission of the Church. Think: What is preventing the church from accomplishing its mission? How would we define the priorities of this church in particular?
Step 3: Strategies A strategy is a different way of doing things in order to achieve the objective and obtain bigger and greater results. The programs and projects cannot be drawn up without first defining the strategy or the strategies that are necessary.
Step 4:Annual Program The programs must satisfy the needs of the church. Must be coordinated and synchronized so that one will not impose on the other. Must have financial support through the operating budget which defines the boundaries within which the church can function.
Where to begin? Locating the members: 1. How many are they? 2. Who are they? 3. Where are they? 4. How are they?
Organizing the Time The Church at Study (Sabbath morning) 70 minutes. The Church in Training, 30 minutes. A seminar of instruction 25 minutes y 5 minutes for special announcements. The Church at Worship, 70 minutes for the Divine Worship.
Worship and Meetings The time during Sabbath is organized, taking into consideration the situation of each church. It is most important to create a spiritual environment which encourages and motivates the brethren. All programing must take into account the non-Adventist population.
Worship and Meetings The Bible Study class must form part of the regular programing. 1. A basic level for non-Adventists 2. An advanced level for the members of the church. Include a time for special meetings and Administrative Meetings.
Programming A week of Spiritual Revival must be included as part of the program. Present biblical theologies that explain the concept of the covenant. Present the History of Systematic Benevolence from its origin until today. Visit the members at least once a year.
Standing Committees Each department doing its part The permanent committees facilitate the work of the board: 1. Revival & Reformation 2. Nurture and Retention. 3. Integrated Evangelism 4. Annual Program 5. Finance & Stewardship
The Church Board Present to the church board all the programs for the following year (January December). Although the ecclesiastical year can vary in different places, the program and the budget must be made for the calendar year which facilitates the statistics at the world level.
Regular Evaluation Present positive monthly reports. Express thanks for what was done and what was contributed. Present simple statistical reports. Each quarter at the Business Meeting accumulative statistics are to be provided.
Stewardship at the Local Church By Mario Niño, DMin. INSTITUTE OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES 2015-2020
INSTITUTE OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwelll on the earth-to every nation, tribe, tongue and people-saying with a loud voice “Fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgement has come….…” Rev. 14:6,7. By Mario Niño, DMin. INSTITUTE OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES 2015-2020