Gas Transmission Europe European wide body representing cross-border gas transmission companies and the transmission arms of integrated gas companies Independent Founded in July 2000
GTE Members
Ambition Focusing on the needs of users of the gas transmission networks (shippers), GTE's main ambition is to contribute to increasing customers' satisfaction.
Objectives to contribute to the development of a fully operational European gas market to enhance cross-border transmission to enhance transparency and non-discrimination to enhance market solutions rather than rules mechanisms to voice the opinion of the natural gas transmission industry in Europe
GTE Activities: a “state of the union” Customer satisfaction survey four working groups reports presented to the Joint Working Group input from DG TREN, CEER and customers’ organisations GTE has published comments on the Commission: draft strategy paper Guidedlines for good practice draft second directive From its ambition and objectives, GTE has formulated a position paper setting forth pro-active proposals and goals
GTE Position Paper(1) GTE puts forward practical proposals for improvement, relating to: definition of the function of the transmission company; allocation of transportation capacity and congestion management a traffic-light system for available capacity on the GTE website:
GTE Position paper (2) Development of new interoperability tools Initiate (together with EDIG@S) foundation of industry-wide European Gas Industry Standards Board (EGISB) to facilitate international co-operation. Further study a one-stop shopping concept facilitating shippers to reserve capacity throughout the European transmission network.