Faculty Leadership for Student Success States, Systems and Consortia What does “Faculty Leadership for Student Success” mean? Do you have defined student success initiatives On your campus? In your system or consortium? How are faculty involved?
Faculty Leadership for Student Success States, Systems and Consortia What successes can you point to involving faculty leadership for student success? What barriers or challenges can you identify to this kind of leadership?
Faculty Leadership for Student Success States, Systems and Consortia Equity-mindedness is a core value of our work – for students and faculty alike. How can we build this into planning and programming for faculty leadership?
Faculty Leadership for Student Success States, Systems and Consortia What is the most effective professional development experience you have had? Why? What examples of successful strategies for designing leadership events can you offer? How can we provide professional development virtually? In particular, how can we make virtual programs interactive?
Faculty Leadership for Student Success States, Systems and Consortia One of our biggest challenges after a successful event is how to sustain the momentum. What essential structures or elements are needed to build capacity and sustain faculty leadership for student success? How can we develop and sustain statewide communities of practice? How do we sustain the investment of decision-makers in such work?