cccnz 2017 – session 2
BABYLON Challenges
Self actualisation
Self actualisation
Self actualisation
Self actualisation
LUKE 22 v 24-27 The common approach: Lord it over, exercise authority, benefactors The alternative: Greatest like youngest, ruler like servant “I am among you as one who serves”
Service I am not Lord Grantham I am not Carson I am Mrs Patmore I am Daisy, I am James (feed, help, clean up) I am not the inaccesible, privileged one The All Blacks model
Antennae & COMPASS
How do we navigate?
POPULARITY What is true? Trumpism. What is valuable? How do we make decisions? Greatest happiness? Least pain!
The road less travelled
Matthew 7 v 13,14 Two roads; one broad, one narrow Two gates; one wide, one straight Two destinations; life, destruction Two peoples; many, few One choice
Which way are we going?
Connected & addicted
My childhood friends
I Love technology
Massive change
Conspiracy of denial Never fully present Unresolved conflict Unrealistic expectations Unrealised creativity, quiet and reflection Big Data Artificial Intelligence
Giving and getting 40% of Facebook users in our sample made a friend request, but 63% received at least one request Users in our sample pressed the like button next to friends’ content an average of 14 times, but had their content “liked” an average of 20 times
Giving and getting Users sent 9 personal messages, but received 12 12% of users tagged a friend in a photo, but 35% were themselves tagged in a photo
CREATING & CUrating Huge Opportunity Engage Biblically Help eachother
Growing up & staying put
Significant change
Growth Growing up is taking longer – adolescence now thought to last to 25 Significant issues around stress and health Arrested and Accelerated Development Most educated, least informed, most sophisticated, most naïve. Cohorts and transitions
Significant challenge
Movement & missiology
Which way are we going?
Which way are we going?
Which way are we going?
Which way are we going?
Which way are we going?
Which way are we going?
Missiology What is indigenous? Higher Wall or a Longer Table? What do we export, import, learn, value? Apologetics, Ideas & Informed engagement “this is where we worship” “a lot of me to see a little of Jesus”
JESUS 1. In Jerusalem for a feast 2. Goes to the excluded 3. Notices the individual Speaks Effects change beyond humanly possible Follows Up
THE MAN 1. There because of a legend 2. Response conditioned by 38 years 3. Called to 3 impossible things Transformed by the word of God Into conflict Into relationship
Religious Leaders 1. Sincere in their desire 2. Selective in their vision 3. Horizon of hope limited by experience No joy, no grace, no Jesus