Welcome to Cleo Gordon’s Back to School Night
College and Career Ready As a school community we believe that every student deserves to be educated in a way that provides an opportunity to attend college and be career ready.
Three School Rules Be Safe Be Kind Be a Leader
The first three habits are about the individual The 7 Habits of Leaders The first three habits are about the individual Be Proactive: You’re in charge Begin With the End in Mind: Have a Plan Put First Things First: Work First, Then Play
The next set of habits build a stronger team. Think Win Win: Everyone can win Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood: Listen Before You Talk Synergize: Together we are better
Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw: Balance Feels Best
Our goal is a 96% attendance rate this year! California law states that all students must attend school everyday, on time. After 3 unexcused absences, a truancy will be filed. Our goal is a 96% attendance rate this year!
If you are late, you will receive a late pass. Students picked up more than 30 minutes early will also be considered a tardy. Please bring a note from the doctor/dentist to clear these situations.
Schedule TK and Kindergarten 8:25-11:45 M-F (TK and Kindergarten walk is from 8:15-8:25) 1st -5th grade 8:25-2:45 M, T, Th, F Wednesday Schedule 8:25-1:13
School Begins at 8:25. 1st-5th grade participate in Kindergarteners go into their classrooms. 1st-5th grade participate in 5 minutes of schoolwide PE. These are mandatory minutes.
Comets make healthy choices! All food consumed within the school day must meet USDA and state guidelines for nutritional requirements.
For celebrations, we suggest...
Free or Reduced Meals Available according to eligibility requirements To apply: form located in the office May take a few weeks to process, so please be patient with us
HOMEWORK The real benefit of homework is in building academic habits. In order to create these habits, students must build the routine of homework into their lives and make it a priority.
DRESS CODE No open toed shoes Shorts must be close to the fingertips No hats Straps must be 2 inches or more. Pants must be worn at the waist.
Technology in the Classroom We have devices for students. We do not require your students to have cell phones. If you send them, please know they need to be turned off during the school hours. If phones become a distraction, they may be held in the office until the end of the day.
Kids Corner We are happy to partner with the city of Fairfield to host Kids Corner after school program on site. Although we share a campus, they are a separate program from school. Concerns about the program need to be brought to the Kids Corner staff. To register, please go to the Community Center.
Pokemon cards, fidget spinners, and small toys are a distraction Pokemon cards, fidget spinners, and small toys are a distraction. Please leave them at home.
Parents can help with Action Teams also! Please check out the board next to Ms. Thole’s office. There are action teams who need members! Parents can help with Action Teams also!
Picture Day September 12, 2017
Thank You! We look forward to a wonderful year! Join us for a BBQ outside! Thank You!